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by Harvey Schowe DTM-District 7 Historian

    Baker Toastmasters Club #55 in Baker,           In a February 1940 Toastmasters magazine
Oregon was the second club that chartered in        article, Ernest Davis, District Two Governor,
Oregon. An organizational meeting was held          was quoted “I had two hours to spend in Baker,
on Monday 6:15 pm January 21, 1936 at Nook          Oregon. The officers of the club met with me
restaurant with Henry McKinney as Toastmaster.      for a conference on club problems. Here is an
Speakers were Lucient P. Arant, E. G. Prescott,     example what official visitation can do. My first
Desmond Long, J.W. Crawford, and Jack               visit seemed to help and the second even more.
Langrell. The March 1936 issue of Toastmasters      The club feels itself a part of us now, enjoying
Magazine issue announced the club chartered         the things they always wanted but unable to
and noted that every business class was repre-      have while we neglected them on account of
sented in the club except lawyers and doctors       their distance.” During an April 1940 meeting,
in a city with a population of 8,000.               club members began recording speeches and
                                                    meetings on wax disks. The club became part
    As a contrast, Portland Toastmasters club       of District 7 in the summer of 1940. During
#31 (April 1935) members were businessmen,          March 20, 1944 meeting, Victor Lyman, Deputy
managers, professional people, and insurance        Governor inducted new club officers. Donald
salesmen. First club officers were Carl Lehmann,    T. Nelson District 7 Governor in 1945 and John
President; Floyd Douglass, Vice President;          B. Woodward of Utah were meeting guests.
Gordon Wright, Treasurer; Jack Langrell,            Baker Toastmasters Club #55 was transferred
Secretary; Henry McKinney, Sergeant-at-arms.        from District 7 to District 15 in July 1945.
                                                    Unfortunately, Baker club disbanded during
    During March 31, 1936, meeting program          the early 1970s’.
speakers spoke on topics such as “The Porcupine
as a Menace to Forests and Livestock,” “The             Sources used for the article obtained from
Menace of Communism,” “Lesson in Memory”            Toastmasters magazine and Baker Herald
and “The Material Damage Caused by                  newspaper with written permission.
Cigarettes.” Baker Toastmasters club members
sponsored a 1937 high school speech contest.        It is always the speaker’s
Raymond Huff, Past Toastmasters International              responsibility to make his speech
President, presented the club charter to
Desmond Long, club president on May 24, 1937          effective. If he does that, applaud
during a joint meeting with Baker Toastmistress
club. This women’s speech club had no affilia-        him, commend him, vote for him,
tion with Toastmistress International that started
December 1938 but was associated with Alpha           even though he violated all the rules
Literary club and Federation of Women’s Clubs.
                                                      in the book. The test of the speech is
    Ernest Davis, District Two lieutenant
governor, visited the club on October 23,             not in following the textbook, but in
1939 and participated as a general critic. The
Toastmasters Magazine March 1940 article              making the sale. {Dr. Ralph Smedley]
mentions the club celebrated it’s fourth anni-
versary at Baker Hotel on February 12, 1940
where five charter members became newlyweds.

Volume 2 Issue 6 - JANUARY 2016                     15
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