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Be Strategic

by Leanna Lindquist, DTM Program Quality Director

Plan, plot and pursue your way to success             my manual.”

Plan where you want to be as a speaker                Pursue your goal
or leader
                                                          “By giving one presentation every 3 weeks I
    Define your goal. Write it down. Set a            will complete the manual by May 1st. I will have
target date. Tell others. “I want to complete the     3 weeks between speeches to properly prepare
Professional Speaker Manual by May 1st. I find        my presentations.”
this manual intimidating. It will be a stretch goal
for me.”                                                  What specific goal do you want to achieve?
                                                      Close your eyes. Imagine what your life will look
                                                      like if you achieve that goal. Share it with your
                                                      club members. Ask them to make you account-
                                                      able. Ask for their support. Plan out your speeches
                                                      and put them on the calendar. Pursue your goal
                                                      with passion.

                                                      What’s holding you back?

Plot it out on your calendar                          Volume 2 Issue 6 - JANUARY 2016

    What do you need to do to reach your goal?
“I need to give 5 speeches in 15 weeks. I need to
prepare, practice and present a speech, every 3
weeks to meet that goal. My 3 weekly clubs all
have FreeToastHost websites. I will sign up now
to give my first speech in 3 weeks. I will sign up
for a speech every 3 weeks thereafter. I am also
working to complete another CL Manual. I will be
strategic by signing up for roles I need to complete

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