Page 7 - 2016.01.19Voices!
P. 7
I can do that. Yes you can!
by Linda Cohen. ACB, CL
I was giving a sales pitch to same impromptu skills. Before This past fall, I launched a
a client in the summer of 2007, I gave my very first keynote at workshop series called “Just a
in a coffee shop in Portland, a luncheon at the Governors Mom? No Way!” geared to Stay-
when a gentleman overheard Hotel in front of 300 people, I at-Home moms. My confidence
me and asked me if I knew about practiced several versions of the in myself and knowing I could
Toastmasters. I had never heard speech at a couple of local TM use my speaking skills to create
of the organization. At the time, clubs. My Toastmasters commu- these workshops inspired a
I was primarily a stay-at-home nity always provided support, valuable opportunity for other
mom for my then 6 and 9-year- encouragement and evaluations moms. My goal in 2016 is to find
old children working part-time to help me improve. more venues for these work-
as a consultant running a shops and also add a webinar
home-based skin care When people first option.
business. join Toastmasters their
initial reasons might No matter what we do or
Fast forward 8 years, be to improve their
I am literally blown away speaking skills and what we speak about, being part
by how many aspects of most of us do become of Toastmasters creates a safe
my life have been affected and supportive atmosphere to
by the one decision to join better speakers. But constantly grow and improve
Toastmasters. there are often other ourselves. That my friend is why
noticeable side bene- I keep showing up.
The year before I fits that occur as well.
joined Toastmasters my father We become more confident. Linda Cohen joined Noontime
had passed away. I was bereft We seek new opportunities to Nomads Toastmasters in 2007.
and began a simple project to step out of our comfort zone She is currently the president
perform 1,000 mitzvahs (acts because we see others doing it. of Toastmasters for Speaking
of kindness) in his memory. I We listen better. We adopt a can Professionals. Cohen’s book 1,000
started a blog. In the next three do attitude. Mitzvahs: How Small Acts of
years, the project and blog grew My Toatmsters experi- Kindness Can Heal, Inspire and
into a full fledged book published ence has pushed me to say yes Change Your Life was published
by a Bay Area publishing house. more often. Last year, I was in 2011. When she’s not speaking
Next came radio interviews and approached by a stranger, who’d or leading workshops, you’ll find
television appearances and main seen me speak on stage, and her at a yoga class, or hanging out
stage speaking opportunities. wanted to know if I could coach with her family and her two love-
her for an upcoming presenta- able King Charles Spaniels. Connect
Each step of the way, I tion. I knew I had the skills to with Cohen at www.lindacohencon-
relied on what I was learning help her improve and said yes.
in Toastmasters. How to be Within months, I had a handful
succinct with my words and of additional speaker coaching
how to tell a meaningful story.
I used those skills over and over clients. Saying yes, helped me
again during the process of launch a new side of my business
getting a book published and that I’d never anticipated.
marketed. Table Topics proved
to be a valuable practice when
I created a two minute pitch to
share with multiple publishers
at a writers convention. When
I answered questions for tele-
vision interviewers about my
project and shared stories from
my book I needed to use those
Volume 2 Issue 6 - JANUARY 2016 7