Page 25 - Voices Jun2015
P. 25
ntinued from page 24) Writers, Poets, Storytellers
Opportunities Abound!
Bay Area, Mike is now going to Eugene,
to live with his parents and to become a The District 7 e-magazine, Voices!, will
“daddy” for the very first time. His son
now calls him “daddy” although he may be celebrating it's first anniversary in
be too young to know what it means.
August, 2015. It's been a fun, creative
For the first time, Mike has a reason to
get out. He has a place to go and it’s not journey as we developed the
the gang. He is now a member of
Toastmasters and he is learning style of the magazine.
communication skills. He is learning
how to listen. He is just like the rest of us. We are kicking around
some new and exciting
If I had not told you that Mike was an ideas, including monthly
inmate, would you know? He is no featured columns, like
different than the rest of us. He lives in a Harvey Schowe's new
place that is different. He attends a club column, Buried Treasure,
meeting just like us. He is paying for his more graphics, videos,
mistakes but Toastmasters is giving him and guest contributors
new skills. from the wide world
of Toastmasters.
I am proud of Mike and the progress he
has made. There are many others, just We will keep the Division section, but
like Mike. Many people are afraid to go want to focus on members through
to an institution. There are people that human interest articles that highlight
do not want to give these guys a chance. their talents.
I have been asked many times “why do
you go into prison?” My answer is very We are looking for people who love to
simple “why not”. Mike is only one of my write, are not afraid to take pictures,
success stories. I have thousands more. and/or engage people to learn their
Allan Edinger, DTM joined Toastmasters in
1988, and is a member of 6 clubs. He has served If you are a writer, photographer, or
District 7 in every club office over the years, as videographer let's kick around some
well as holds the title of past district governor ideas. Contract us at our email below:
and immediate past Region 2 Advisor. He
continues to serve as a club officer in his
various clubs, District Prison Club Coordinator,
and mentor to District 7 leaders.
Opportunities Abound!
Bay Area, Mike is now going to Eugene,
to live with his parents and to become a The District 7 e-magazine, Voices!, will
“daddy” for the very first time. His son
now calls him “daddy” although he may be celebrating it's first anniversary in
be too young to know what it means.
August, 2015. It's been a fun, creative
For the first time, Mike has a reason to
get out. He has a place to go and it’s not journey as we developed the
the gang. He is now a member of
Toastmasters and he is learning style of the magazine.
communication skills. He is learning
how to listen. He is just like the rest of us. We are kicking around
some new and exciting
If I had not told you that Mike was an ideas, including monthly
inmate, would you know? He is no featured columns, like
different than the rest of us. He lives in a Harvey Schowe's new
place that is different. He attends a club column, Buried Treasure,
meeting just like us. He is paying for his more graphics, videos,
mistakes but Toastmasters is giving him and guest contributors
new skills. from the wide world
of Toastmasters.
I am proud of Mike and the progress he
has made. There are many others, just We will keep the Division section, but
like Mike. Many people are afraid to go want to focus on members through
to an institution. There are people that human interest articles that highlight
do not want to give these guys a chance. their talents.
I have been asked many times “why do
you go into prison?” My answer is very We are looking for people who love to
simple “why not”. Mike is only one of my write, are not afraid to take pictures,
success stories. I have thousands more. and/or engage people to learn their
Allan Edinger, DTM joined Toastmasters in
1988, and is a member of 6 clubs. He has served If you are a writer, photographer, or
District 7 in every club office over the years, as videographer let's kick around some
well as holds the title of past district governor ideas. Contract us at our email below:
and immediate past Region 2 Advisor. He
continues to serve as a club officer in his
various clubs, District Prison Club Coordinator,
and mentor to District 7 leaders.