Page 24 - Voices Jun2015
P. 24
Different Than the Rest of Us
By Allan Edinger, DTM
When we talk about exception of a mistake in their lives. Are
prison clubs and they to be held accountable for the rest of
inmates, we do not their lives?
necessarily realize the Let me introduce you to “Mike”. I chose
effect we have on people. We seem to Mike to be a participant in one of my
think that we can have a profound effect communication projects. I knew he would
on those around us, on those who might lose, but I needed a guy to fill my group.
join our clubs. Yet do not believe we can Much to my surprise, Mike was chosen by
have a profound effect on those who may his fellow inmates. I talked with him
have made a mistake in their lives and are briefly and found that Mike was a gang
incarcerated. member out of the Bay Area. When
I have spoken to two youth groups lately. getting out of prison that is where he was
Youth is defined as less than 24 and more going. He has a tattoo on the back of his
than 16. Several have been married and head and his gang affiliation is written
several have children. Several have across his belly. He needs to be with his
tattoo’s everywhere and others have “bro’s”. Although I was disappointed, I told
none. The boys with too many tattoos him that it was a death sentence. Perhaps
realize that they may be a hindrance in he was going to die. I went home that
their life and would like to have them night wondering if I said the right thing.
removed. Others are just happy they have Three months later when I talked to Mike,
not gone that route yet. his attitude had changed. His girlfriend
had some problems and gave his son to
They all realize how important a first his parents legally. Instead of going to the
impression is. When they interview they
need to have their tattoos covered. They (Continued on page 25)
need to take their hats off. Shirts need to
be buttoned to the neck. Wear ties if
possible. Be clean shaven or at least
presentable. Get a haircut if needed.
Pants need to be worn at a reasonable
height. Do not talk about your failings
unless asked. Be honest.
Wow! Does some of this sound familiar?
Inmates are no different than us, with the
By Allan Edinger, DTM
When we talk about exception of a mistake in their lives. Are
prison clubs and they to be held accountable for the rest of
inmates, we do not their lives?
necessarily realize the Let me introduce you to “Mike”. I chose
effect we have on people. We seem to Mike to be a participant in one of my
think that we can have a profound effect communication projects. I knew he would
on those around us, on those who might lose, but I needed a guy to fill my group.
join our clubs. Yet do not believe we can Much to my surprise, Mike was chosen by
have a profound effect on those who may his fellow inmates. I talked with him
have made a mistake in their lives and are briefly and found that Mike was a gang
incarcerated. member out of the Bay Area. When
I have spoken to two youth groups lately. getting out of prison that is where he was
Youth is defined as less than 24 and more going. He has a tattoo on the back of his
than 16. Several have been married and head and his gang affiliation is written
several have children. Several have across his belly. He needs to be with his
tattoo’s everywhere and others have “bro’s”. Although I was disappointed, I told
none. The boys with too many tattoos him that it was a death sentence. Perhaps
realize that they may be a hindrance in he was going to die. I went home that
their life and would like to have them night wondering if I said the right thing.
removed. Others are just happy they have Three months later when I talked to Mike,
not gone that route yet. his attitude had changed. His girlfriend
had some problems and gave his son to
They all realize how important a first his parents legally. Instead of going to the
impression is. When they interview they
need to have their tattoos covered. They (Continued on page 25)
need to take their hats off. Shirts need to
be buttoned to the neck. Wear ties if
possible. Be clean shaven or at least
presentable. Get a haircut if needed.
Pants need to be worn at a reasonable
height. Do not talk about your failings
unless asked. Be honest.
Wow! Does some of this sound familiar?
Inmates are no different than us, with the