Page 7 - Voices
P. 7
(Continued from page 6) possibly be with a high impact, entertaining,
Calling all Speakers... and thought-provoking talk. Vicariously join the
best of D7 Toastmasters onstage as they
The Fall 2014 Conference for District 7 will compete in the Table Topics Speech and the
include some amazing educational and Humorous Speech contests. Be amazed at how
entertaining speeches and breakout sessions. coherently and succinctly the Table Topics
Talks and sessions are being solicited NOW for
these tracks: contestants can think on their feet and respond
* Building a Strong Club without prior preparation! Enjoy nine of the
* Becoming a Better Speaker funniest Toastmasters speeches this year, heard
* Becoming a Better Leader only in District 7! Fill out mock judging ballots
* Becoming a Better Person and see how good you are at picking winners!
* Other (you suggest a track or topic) Interact with fellow D7 Toastmasters, share best
We already have almost a dozen proposals, and
we want more -- including YOURS and those of practices, and gain valuable insights. Get to
the top notch presenters and trainers you know know the new DTMs in D7. Meet first-timers and
-- both inside Toastmasters and out. help to make them feel welcome. If you are a
Here are just the titles of some of the proposed first-timer at a D7 conference, you are in for a
talks. Add yours! very special treat! You get all these for only $65/
* Becoming a Best Boss in Four Steps person if you register no later than September
* "Make Mistakes" 30.
* Are You a Tuba or a Flute?
* Breaking Through Walls For comments, questions, or concerns about
* Grooming Champions anything discussed above, or anything related to
* Get A Mentor, Be A Mentor education and training, please contact me
* The Miracle Minute at or call 503-688-7714.
* The Power In Mentorship
* Open Mic Hour
We have room for YOUR talk! Enter the details
here -- deadline extended until 15-Sep-2015.
person! Opening keynote speaker Sheryl Roush
is a sparkling example of what we can achieve
when we dream big dreams, set bold goals, and
take bold actions. Sheryl will share inspiring
ideas and practical pointers to help you create a
clear mental picture of your big dream, map out Attend the 2014 Fall Conference
"Bigger, Bolder, Better!" Discover how
a step-by-step plan to achieve your dream, and you can dream BIGGER and act BOLDER.
pursue your dream no matter what obstacles Learn how to be a BETTER
you encounter. communicator, leader, and person!
Opening keynote speaker Sheryl Roush
Your learning will continue with lunch speaker is a sparkling example of what we can
achieve when we dream big dreams,
Ashton Root sharing powerful leadership
set bold goals, and take bold actions..
insights gained from starting new businesses, Sheryl will share inspiring ideas and
directing and producing the indie hit "Durango practical pointers you can use right
Kids" and thinking out of the box. away!
In the afternoon, John Maxwell facilitator and
motivational speaker Eldridge Broussard will
inspire you to become the best that you can
Calling all Speakers... and thought-provoking talk. Vicariously join the
best of D7 Toastmasters onstage as they
The Fall 2014 Conference for District 7 will compete in the Table Topics Speech and the
include some amazing educational and Humorous Speech contests. Be amazed at how
entertaining speeches and breakout sessions. coherently and succinctly the Table Topics
Talks and sessions are being solicited NOW for
these tracks: contestants can think on their feet and respond
* Building a Strong Club without prior preparation! Enjoy nine of the
* Becoming a Better Speaker funniest Toastmasters speeches this year, heard
* Becoming a Better Leader only in District 7! Fill out mock judging ballots
* Becoming a Better Person and see how good you are at picking winners!
* Other (you suggest a track or topic) Interact with fellow D7 Toastmasters, share best
We already have almost a dozen proposals, and
we want more -- including YOURS and those of practices, and gain valuable insights. Get to
the top notch presenters and trainers you know know the new DTMs in D7. Meet first-timers and
-- both inside Toastmasters and out. help to make them feel welcome. If you are a
Here are just the titles of some of the proposed first-timer at a D7 conference, you are in for a
talks. Add yours! very special treat! You get all these for only $65/
* Becoming a Best Boss in Four Steps person if you register no later than September
* "Make Mistakes" 30.
* Are You a Tuba or a Flute?
* Breaking Through Walls For comments, questions, or concerns about
* Grooming Champions anything discussed above, or anything related to
* Get A Mentor, Be A Mentor education and training, please contact me
* The Miracle Minute at or call 503-688-7714.
* The Power In Mentorship
* Open Mic Hour
We have room for YOUR talk! Enter the details
here -- deadline extended until 15-Sep-2015.
person! Opening keynote speaker Sheryl Roush
is a sparkling example of what we can achieve
when we dream big dreams, set bold goals, and
take bold actions. Sheryl will share inspiring
ideas and practical pointers to help you create a
clear mental picture of your big dream, map out Attend the 2014 Fall Conference
"Bigger, Bolder, Better!" Discover how
a step-by-step plan to achieve your dream, and you can dream BIGGER and act BOLDER.
pursue your dream no matter what obstacles Learn how to be a BETTER
you encounter. communicator, leader, and person!
Opening keynote speaker Sheryl Roush
Your learning will continue with lunch speaker is a sparkling example of what we can
achieve when we dream big dreams,
Ashton Root sharing powerful leadership
set bold goals, and take bold actions..
insights gained from starting new businesses, Sheryl will share inspiring ideas and
directing and producing the indie hit "Durango practical pointers you can use right
Kids" and thinking out of the box. away!
In the afternoon, John Maxwell facilitator and
motivational speaker Eldridge Broussard will
inspire you to become the best that you can