Page 12 - Voices
P. 12

We’ve all heard the children’s rhyme: “Sticks and
stones may break my bones, but words will never by Linda Bard
hurt me.”
As speakers, I’m sure you’re keenly aware of how your ‘personal intention’ will
the meaning of the words you choose can help drive the emotion of
profoundly affect others. But do you realize that your message.
the quality of your VOICE also has a bearing on Here’s a simple but effective acting technique
how you’re perceived and received? you can try. Say: “It is my intention to” – and

Let me ask you this. In the orchestra of life, do
then fill in the blank with an ACTIVE VERB that
you think your voice is a Tuba or a Flute? will clearly give you the emotional subtext to
Today, I’m going to share 3 things you can start make your words come to life.
doing immediately to add Strength and
“It is my intention to”- Re-assure, Educate or
Authority to your speaking voice. Who doesn’t maybe even to Antagonize. Now you pick.
want more of that? Can you begin to feel in your body the emotion
I’ve been a voiceover artist for more than 25
behind the verb you chose? When you go back
years and have
and read your speech out loud, you’ll hear how
What you must be aware of is
that in any meaningful recorded over 10,000 that specific intention comes through firmly in
your voice.
conversation, you have to advertising and
EARN your audience’s corporate messaging With your motivation in place, it’s time to pay
attention. Then, you have to scripts. Believe me - attention to your Inflection. Your voice is an
KEEP it. it’s about more than incredible instrument capable of producing over

just reading some words off of a piece of paper. 300 different pitches. Have you ever whispered
Imagine being a lawyer in a courtroom. You’d
in a library or screamed at the sight of spider?
like to think the jury is sitting there waiting to
Most people however, only use a small portion
soak up your every word. While that might
of their available vocal
happen on TV, the reality is they probably aren’t. range. Emotion can’t be Your voice is an
incredible instrument
More likely, they’re thinking about their kids, conveyed or felt, if you
capable of producing
their pets or their parking meter. are speaking in over 300 different
What you must be aware of is that in any pitches.
monotone voice. A one-
meaningful conversation, you have to EARN
note speaker is tedious
your audience’s attention. Then, you have to
to an audience and promotes inattention and
KEEP it. boredom.
There are 3 important ways you can do this:
Just like a jazz singer who improvises, vocal
Through your Intention, your Inflection, and
variety allows you to breathe life and meaning
your Power. into words & phrases. It’s a way to create
Let’s begin with Intention. interest, excitement and emotional involvement,
Before you step into that courtroom, client
so your audience stays engaged.
meeting or sit down to write a speech, ask
Do you know if you have a tendency to start or
yourself this question. “What is the desired
end sentences with the same pitch or inflection?
outcome I want for my audience?” Record yourself and listen to it back.
By knowing what it is you want, what you’re
fighting for or how you want others to feel –
(Continued on page 32)

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