Page 5 - Voices
P. 5
On Stage in Pioneer Square

By Sharon Kuroda, DTM, and Erik Bergman, DTM

“Go big or go home.” District 7 participated in Table Topics. Tourists from as far as
Denmark and England took our “Ask me about
Toastmasters took this advice to heart
by holding the first-ever Toastmasters” pins at their word to learn more
about our worldwide organization. The audience
ranged from 30 to 75 people for most of the hours,
and by day’s end we’d entertained and educated
75-80 people about Toastmasters.
District 7 was honored by the many dignitaries
who visited and spoke. They included 2001 World

Champion of Public
Speaking Darren
LaCroix and Portland
City Commissioner
Amanda Fritz. Also
lending their voices
were accomplished
Largest Toastmaster Meeting on August
30th in Portland. By official proclamation, Toastmasters who had just returned from the
Mayor Charlie Hales had declared the date to be International Convention in Kuala Lumpur,
World’s Largest Toastmasters Meeting Day in Malaysia, plus brand-new Toastmasters, youth
the city. The ambitious event ran for seven speakers and even a little boy who stole the hearts
hours of continuous speeches, Table Topics, of all by suddenly taking part in Table Topics!
evaluations and just plain After the warmest August in
excitement. Portland’s history, the day dawned
More than a year since it was cloudy with the threat of rain.
first proposed, and after Showing spunk, dedication and
months of planning by Toastmaster
volunteers, the WLTM (as we flexibility through

called it) took place on Labor adversity, the show
Day weekend. It started Saturday at 9:30 a.m. went on! We faced
and ran all the way to 4:30 p.m. From the wind, drizzle, sun,
moment it began, the action was nonstop. All DOWNPOUR, sun,
this took place at Pioneer Courthouse Square, rain and finally sun
otherwise known as “Portland’s living room,” in again. Speakers
the heart of downtown Portland. continued on even though some were
drenched. The audience, timers, sound and
Besides the dedicated and enthusiastic
camera crew all bravely popped up umbrellas
Toastmasters who attended, the public
meandered through, sat down, listened, picked and carried on despite the soaking
up Toastmasters erature and even Fortunately, the sun returned for a glorious wrap-
(Continued on page 32)

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