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• Integrity • Respect • Service • Excellence
Toastmasters. Toastmasters journey so far? Why?
2. I want to support clubs in outreach There have been two Aha Moments for
activities at community events. Those in me recently. The first was after joining a
person events can be great opportunities club in Longview. A woman was working on
to find new members. completing her Distinguished Toastmaster
Award. Accomplishing that goal seemed remote
Suzanne Loeb, DTM - Program Quality Director and unattainable for me. Watching her complete
projects enabled me to think about getting my
Why did you join Toastmasters? DTM award. I did it by making every speech a
Although I don’t remember the club’s name growth opportunity. The second great revelation
or exact date, I joined Toastmasters in 2005. occurred about two years ago when I became a
My boss told me about Toastmasters during a Division Director. I saw the potential for even
one-on-one meeting. She had recently hired me more growth with leadership opportunities in
as a safety consultant. One part of my job duties the District. Even if a person is not in a job that
was creating and delivering safety training. The allows them to explore and attain new skills, it
first presentation did not go well. Clutching a can be done within Toastmasters.
stack of 3x5 cards, I did my best. However, I knew Looking at the year ahead – motivation
that it was a dismal performance. I What is your vision for the
went intermittently to an evening District as the Program Quality
Toastmasters meeting in Federal Director during 2023-24?
Way, Washington. The first My primary goal is to
impression was not good. I recall expand and make the D7
feeling bewildered and alone at Toastmasters Education
the meetings. It wasn’t easy to get program more relevant and
time on the meeting agenda for enjoyable for members. I
projects. After getting through want to give them more
the Competent Communicator opportunities to accomplish
manual, I left. However, I their goals while connecting
improved and became a better with like-minded people.
presenter and communicator. First, club officer makeup
training is different this next Toastmasters year.
What has been your greatest Aha Moment in your Each club officer role has a one-hour quality