Page 6 - voices-2023-06
P. 6
• Integrity • Respect • Service • Excellence
Meet the 2023-2024 District 7 Trio
Phyllis Harmon, DTM
Jim Robison, DTM - District 7 Director to argue, but I would not be effective at saying
it on the spot. If I was writing, or if I took
Why did you join Toastmasters? some time after the discussion, I could come
I joined Toastmasters in 1991 when a good up with great arguments and refute whatever
friend invited me. I first visited the club because was thrown at me, but in the moment of the
I thought it would be a good way to get to debate, I was terrible.
know her better, After spending some time in Toastmasters,
but I became a participating in Table Topics all the time,
member because I actually gained that skill. After being in
I saw the benefits Toastmasters for a few years, I won election in
of building my a hotly contested race to be Chair of another
presentation and organization. I won that election by one vote,
debate skills. I and I am certain that my ability to present
stayed in the club myself at the meeting made the difference. (Two
(long after she years later I won re-election to that position
had left) because with about a hundred vote margin.)
I actually was
building those What is your vision for the District as the District
skills. Director during 2023-24?
Membership in Toastmasters within District
What has been your greatest Aha! Moment in your 7 peaked in 2013. Over the last ten years there
Toastmasters journey so far? Why? has been a steady decline in membership, with
All the way through high school and college a precipitous drop the last couple years when
I enjoyed debating, but I was bad at it! Most of everything was shut down due to Covid. This
the time when engaging in discussion of some year that drop stopped. We are poised now to
hot political issue, I would know what I wanted rebuild. After two years of most clubs meeting