Page 7 - voices-2023-01
P. 7
Craig Cottle, DTM
Have Fun, Learn Stuff
Phyllis Harmon, DTM
In this month's cover article, Division G Director Craig Cottle, DTM, shares his Toastmasters journey
and glimpses into his life in general.
Why did you join Toastmasters? What has been your greatest Aha! Moment
In 2013, I made the decision to change the in your Toastmasters journey so far? Why?
direction of my career. Instead of working in my There have been many, many Aha! Moments
insurance agency, I would help my wife with her in my Toastmasters experience. One of the first
essential oils business. This meant a shift to more to come to mind was at my very first Toastmasters
networking and relationship building. To that meeting, during the first Table Topics I had ever
end, I began looking for groups where I could experienced. The TT Master told us that for our
network. Though I had heard of Toastmasters, I impromptu speaking that day we would be going
had never attended a meeting, so I decided that around the room and speaking about one of the
it would be one I’d investigate. I found just one other members of the Club. The objective was to
Club that met during the day (which is what I tell us all something about that other member
was looking for) and arranged to attend my first of the Club that we didn’t already know about
meeting. them. The first person to speak began telling us
It was the meeting of the Barkley Toasters in about another member, Betty. She told us that
Bellingham, Washington. They made a great first Betty had actually been a spy, working in Europe
impression on me—very welcoming, friendly, and to infiltrate enemy spy networks. I thought,
inclusive—just the kind of people I wanted to be “wow, that’s pretty cool.” Then Betty took a turn
spending time with! After attending as a guest for and told us about Paul, who apparently liked to
a few months, I joined the Club in February 2014. I travel regularly to South America where he was
was excited to be able to improve my presentation a bullfighter - and a very famous one at that,
and speaking skills and appreciated the chance displaying skills that were unrivaled by any of
to work with others with similar objectives. the other bullfighters. I was very impressed! Paul