Page 10 - voices-2023-01
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into the best versions of themselves. things and get it done. On a more personal level, I
would like to complete at least one Pathway, with
As Division G Director, what is your vision the intent on securing a second DTM within the
for the Division this year? Pathways program.
In making a report to the District recently
I spoke of finding a new normal in Division What would you share with those who are
G. Over the past couple of years the world has interested in taking on a leadership role
changed dramatically in how people get together. next year?
With an influx of online opportunities at times When my kids were younger and heading
clashing with an innate desire to assemble with off to school each morning I would send them
like-minded people, Toastmasters meetings off with these words: “have fun, learn stuff.”
are evolving. I see a number of Clubs electing That remains my advice to anyone interested
to remain online for most of the meetings, at in leadership roles—to have fun and to learn
times only getting together in person for special stuff. Toastmasters is a fun organization, I’ve
occasions if at all. I see Clubs working on a hybrid never been to a meeting that doesn’t in some way
model, a meeting that includes in-person get give me some joy at some level, and I can learn
togethers with online participation combined. something every time I get to be involved in a
And of course, there are Clubs that are moving Toastmasters activity. I have a pretty strong belief
back to the traditional in-person Toastmasters that the best leadership role in Toastmasters is
meetings. My vision for Division G includes Area Director. It’s not so much administrative
helping Clubs find and settle into the new normal and more about getting involved and helping
for them, helping them become comfortable the Clubs directly. It’s a great opportunity to
in the type of meetings and get togethers that meet new people and expand your Toastmasters
work best for them. I envision a time when our experience outside of your home Club. It’s
Clubs are not “trying to recover” but have their getting to visit different Toastmasters, what
identities firmly in place to grow in their own could possibly be better than that? My advice is
space as they’ve come to know it. very simple, be an Area Director, have fun, and
learn stuff.
What are your personal plans and goals
for this year?
In Toastmasters I have a couple of personal
objectives for this year. Related to my role as
Division Director, my goal is to start a new Club
in Ridgefield, Washington where I live. I’ve been
talking about it for some time but haven’t made as
much progress as I’d like. I’m hoping that listing
it here will help me to pull the trigger on some