Page 9 - voices-2023-01
P. 9
How does Toastmasters enhance your work organizing and conducting, as a participant I’ve
career? summed my experience up as great learning
Much of my career has been in managing opportunities. Of course, achieving DTM was
and training sales people. In that role, I’m often a big highlight for me; I was able to complete
presenting or speaking to groups of people. I the last speech for DTM qualification at the
thought that I was doing pretty good with it, but last regular in-person meeting of our Club in
through Toastmasters I’ve learned that I could March of 2022. That Club has elected to remain
be much better than I had been. I’ve learned an online Club so that truly was a last in-person
better how to prepare a speech or presentation, meeting of the Club.
and how to make it easier to listen to (no filler However, when I think of times that I would
words!). I’ve learned through Toastmasters the consider the biggest highlights of my career,
importance of storytelling and how much more they revolve around the opportunities I’ve had
engaged an audience will be to a story, no matter to see growth in others in Toastmasters. I think
the topic. Even technical, specific training is of Janice who sat in the back of the room at her
better received when incorporated with a story first Club meeting. I was able to help her get
that the audience can relate to. A lot of my work started with Toastmasters and begin to grow
involves mentoring people, and my experience into leadership roles.
mentoring in Toastmasters has made me a better A big highlight for me was, after relocating
mentor in my career. The Toastmasters mentor and absent from that Club for a while, visiting the
program gave me very practical insights into how Club several years later and seeing Janice serving
to mentor and how to help others in the ways as President and doing a great job leading the
that they’re comfortable, meeting them on their Club. I was also fortunate to mentor Alicia as she
ground so to speak. stepped into the Area Director role I was vacating.
The next year I asked Alicia to be an assistant to
You’ve been in Toastmasters since 2014. me as I served as a Division Director - and then
What are some of the highlights of your to fill the role when, just after I was appointed, a
career so far? surprise relocation prevented me from staying
There have been a number of highlights in in the role. Alica stepped up and was named
my Toastmasters career to date. I served as Club Division Director of the Year in that District. I
President for the Club that I originally joined. also think of Elizabeth and her growth as she
During my tenure, the Club achieved Presidents started a new Club at her workplace. I’ve been
Distinguished status for the first time. I’ve also blessed to have mentored many new members
been fortunate to have achieved Presidents who are just getting started with Toastmasters
Distinguished status as an Area Director, which as well. It’s exciting to me to see the growth in so
was a great experience for me. My time in many people as they get involved. In my mind
contests, both participating and organizing those are the highlights that I most appreciate,
comes to mind as a highlight for me. Mostly in the highlights of seeing people grow and blossom