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At the Edge of Certainty. . .

       Phyllis Harmon, DTM, PDG - Publisher/Editor

      Step right up! Toss your hat in the ring! Everyone's a winner! I remember the carnival
      barkers shouting those words at passersby as they worked to entice them to part

      with their money on rigged, or at least unwinnable, games of chance. Every so
      often, someone would win one of the carney games—not often but just enough
      to keep the crowd interested.

          When I was a kid, I wanted to join the circus and  be a high-wire artist. I discovered
      a ghastly fear of heights that kept my feet firmly planted on the ground. Staying
      in my parents comfortable home with indoor plumbing and three meals a day
      seemed a better option than living on the road with—what was considered at the
      time—sketchey roustabouts. I was cautioned over and over that only persons of

      low repute were connected with the circus. Repute was of utmost importance to my
      parents, and they persuaded me to give up any thoughts of living out of a suitcase.
          As I reminisce about my life over the past 70-odd years, I find that I have few

      regrets and a very short bucket list. I've lived on the road for months in a tent and
      truck camper, found my way across the seas a time or two, and worked in jobs
      where I was admired and respected for my skills and willingness to learn.
          Which leads me to Toastmasters and my bucket list. On that list is sticking                EDITORIAL
      my toe into the contest pool, creating documentaries of ordinary people doing

      the extraordinary, and writing a book about life on the road. Will I get everything
      checked off my list in my time remaining? Only time will tell.
          My tale could not be told without offering a word of advice as the denouement.

      No matter where you are on your life's journey, know that time is finite. Don't be
      afraid to try something new, even if it means, abandoning a comfortable lifestyle
      to experience the unknown. Step onto the high wire, even
      if it scares you silly. For at the edge of certainty, is where
      life is the most delicious.

       Volume 10 Issue 7 January 2023  Monthly Columnists  2022-23 Officers       Administrative Manager
                                  Dave Bones, DTM          District Director      Janet Cerasin, DTM
       Publisher                  David Freedman, IP3      Lorri Andersen, DTM
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Eldred Brown, DTM        Program Quality Director  Public Relations Manager
                                  Harvey Schowe, DTM                              Stephana Johnson, DL3
       Senior Editor              Jennifer Schmidt, EH2    Jim Robison, DTM
       Phyllis Harmon, DTM        Jim Robison, DTM         Club Growth Director   Voices! is published monthly by District 7
                                  Ken Coomes, DTM          Dave Bones, DTM
      Associate Editor            Lee Coyne, ATMS                                 Toastmasters. First issue published August
      Leanna Lindquist, DTM       Lorri Andersen, DTM      Finance Manager        2014. Submit articles or contact us at
                                  Paul Fanning, DTM        Karen Semprevivo, DTM

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