Page 16 - march
P. 16


                                                   What Can You Do to Finish the Year Strong?

                                                                                    Jim Robison, DTM - Club Growth Director

      The Toastmasters year is three-quarters done,    

      and many of us are wondering “What can we                  center/), be mentored for their Ice Breaker
      accomplish in the final quarter?”                          speech (
          As an exercise to consider what is possible, I         pathways-overview/ice-breaker), schedule,
      decided to list out various Toastmaster objectives         plan. and present their Ice Breaker speech.

      that can be completed within this time frame               (1 to 2 weeks.)
      and estimated what is the realistic minimum            4.  A new member can complete the projects
      time required. These tasks might take longer,              required for Pathways Level 1 (5 weeks to 3
      but they certainly can be completed within these           months).

      times. and often are.                                  5.  A Toastmaster can complete the projects
                                                                 required for Level 2 (5 weeks to 3 months).
      1.  A club can plan and host an Open House or          6.  A Toastmaster can complete the projects
          special workshop event, and with district              required for Level 3 (5 weeks to 3 months).

          support ($50 boost) publicize the event. (30       7.  A Toastmaster can complete the projects
          to 60 days).                                           required for Level 4 (5 weeks to 3 months).
      2.  A prospective member can contact a club,           8.  A Toastmaster can complete a High
          get a call back from the club Vice-President           Performance Leadership Project (HPLP) (2

          of Public Relations, learn about the club,             to 3 months).
          decide to join, attend a meeting, and become       9.  A Toastmaster can complete the projects
          a new member. (Often, in just a few days, this         required for Level 5, including the HPLP (2
          happens in my home club frquntly).                     to 3 months).

      3.  A new member can get some help                     10. A Toastmaster can identify a lead for a new
          accessing Toastmasters Pathways (https://              club, work with that lead to plan, schedule,

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