Page 14 - march
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       Lorri Andersen, DTM

       Program Quality Director

        Recently, I thought about Chris Hodges who            enjoyably and steadily, and my goal is to give
       was the instructor for a class I participated in       back and pay it forward. I thought about this

       a couple years ago. On the first day, he said,         as I recently reflected on Chris the instructor
       “the approach you take in this class is much           and that class..
       more important than the material itself”                    Consider your Club’s Distinguished
       He encouraged us to build good daily study             status along the lines of approach. What is

       habits, watch our attitudes when studying the          your thought process on the approach to the
       material, and to take the time to build a desire       Distinguished Club Plan? The approach I took
       within ourselves to really learn rather than just      in my beginning days of Toastmasters was to
       studying out of a forced, self-made mandate            finish as many goals as fast as I could. I still

       and memorization. I took his encouragement             think finishing goals in a timely manner is a
       to heart, and began to study as he suggested.          great and necessary thing to do although my
           Halfway through the course, I realized I           thoughts on the subject have changed. The
       was falling back into a habit I had developed          Distinguished Club Status is more than just

       when I was busy and tired, I’d cut corners on          a number. It shows that Club officers may be
       studying and wouldn’t give it my best. After           building other skills such as leadership and
       some self-reflection and introspection, I got          team dynamics. People may be completing
       back on track. I ended the course feeling like         projects for the experience of learning rather

       it was one of the best I had ever taken.               than for the numbers. I like the Distinguished
            I remember when I first joined                    Club Plan because it is often a stretch goal, and
       Toastmasters, I wanted to finish speeches as           it helps me improve and keep learning.
       fast as I could. Now with my Pathways journey,             A few weeks ago, I listened to a speech

       I have developed a different attitude. I want to       on project management presented by Linda
       experience learning the speech material and            Holden.Although I have studied project
       lessons as much as I can. My approach and              management, this speech commanded
       goals are different. My approach is to learn           my attention. Interested and inspired, I

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