Page 15 - march
P. 15

asked for a copy of the
         presentation slides. The

         summary reminded me
         of our speech evaluations.
         Be positive and use
         your voice to inspire,

         compliment honestly,
         and remain calm.
         Learn to listen
         and practice good

         communication skills.
         The skill of learning effective
         evaluations is something that can
         help us and others in all facets of our

         lives. It’s the approach we take in evaluations.
            Toastmasters has many benefits and its
         they become more apparent every day. Why
         do I stay in Toastmasters? I stay to learn, and

         if what I learn can effectively help others I’ll
         continue to stay and learn. Helen Blanchard
         Past International President said, “If you get
         out of Toastmasters all that there is to get

         out of Toastmasters, you’ll never get out of
         Toastmasters.” Let’s consider our approach
         to learning. I’m glad we are on this journey

                                                                                   VOICES! | MARCH 2022         15
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