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Wendy Fan, PhD

      Journey to the Stars

              rom country girl to rocket

      Fscientist, Wendy Fan, PhD,

      conquered dream-busting

      challenges on her journey to the

      stars.  Join us and learn how you can

      beat  the odds and bring your dreams to life.

                chemist turned rocket scientist, Wendy Fan worked at

      A NASA and SpaceX. She joined Toastmasters in 2019 to

      improve her communication and leadership skills. Wendy

      believes Pathways and serving as a Club/Area officer are the

      fastest way to grow.

                 JOIN                  Marylhurst Toastmasters

                   US!                               April 7, 2022  - 6:30 - 8:00 pm


                                                                                   VOICES! | MARCH 2022         21
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