Page 34 - Voices-2022-02
P. 34


    The Joy of Writing Revisited

    David Freedman, PM2

       As most of you know, the Grammarian is
                                                                                          to include key points
       the arbiter of grammar usage, pointing out
                                                                                         to introduce to the
       extraneous words in our speech patterns and
                                                                                        audience, and then end
       noting the excellent uses of language that
                                                                                       with a strong conclusion
       speakers practice during a meeting. And of
                                                                                      and call to action. Short
       course, we have our Word of the Day which
                                                                                     stories and novels don’t
       changes each week, oftentimes (though not
                                                                                    always follow that same
       always) being related to the theme of the
                                                                                   pattern. Even though I love
                                                                                  writing fiction, I fell into the
           As a writer, I have a particular fondness
                                                                                  trap of thinking I needed
       for the role of Grammarian since creating
                                                                                 to know everything that
       outstanding poetry or prose requires knowing
                                                                                was going to happen before I
       the strengths and pitfalls of written and spoken
                                                                              told the full story. However, I’m
       language. The problem I’ve noticed with this
                                                                           an intuitive writer, and when I
       style of learning is that it can lead to a type of
                                                                         start working on the next writing
       perfectionism. It can restrict the flow of your
                                                                               project, I eventually find the
       creativity to such an extent that it stymies
                                                                                   connections necessary to
       your efforts to create a proper essay, story, or
                                                                                    create a workable story or
       a great speech. In this regard, both writing
                                                                                   speech. It’s not something
       and public speaking have at least one thing in
                                                                               I can entirely explain; the
       common. To create an eloquent piece of work
                                                            process is utterly natural, and if I were a bit wiser
       that attracts and holds an audience’s attention
                                                            when I was younger, I would have accepted that
       is a tricky balancing act.
                                                            exploring the boundaries of your imagination
           It took me a long time to accept that
                                                            without knowing the full story in advance can be
       uncertainty is a major part of the writing
                                                            the best form of writing. Yes, there are authors
       process and that it’s okay to not know what’s
                                                            who believe that creating an outline is the better
       coming. Curiously, in planning my speeches
                                                            way to go, and there’s nothing wrong with that
       I never had this problem as I could create an
                                                            way of thinking. Using an outline when creating
       outline in much the same way I wrote essays:
                                                            speeches can be wonderfully beneficial. However,
       Write an introduction, the body of the speech
                                                            in my own life as a writer, intuition most often

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