Page 32 - Voices-2022-02
P. 32


      Show Some Love

      Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

      If you love someone, you should tell them, right?       This message says if you decide to go, here’s the
      It’s not a secret and showing that you care is          information, not exactly inviting. The second

      important. Toastmasters is no exception. You            choice is a welcoming, personal invitation that
      may not shout it from a mountaintop, or produce         encourages attendance.
      a Broadway musical number, but you can still
      demonstrate your sincerity with style.                  Photos Intrigue and Make a Real Impact in Attracting
          People want to feel appreciated and happy  Your Audience

      when they make the effort to attend any meeting.           Adding a compelling approved image of your
      With members and guests strategically choosing          Club members having fun helps your friends and
      how to spend their Zoom time, how you show              guests to see what to expect at your meeting. I

      your true passion for Toastmasters starts with          know this works because when I was looking for a
      messaging. Personalized promotion is the key            new Club to join on Saturdays, almost three years
      that can unlock many hearts and encourage               ago, I found New Horizons. Their photos were
      more Club engagement.                                   the main reason I decided to attend. Members

                                                              looked happy dressed up for International Talk
      Thoughtful Promotions Make Your Message a Personalized   Like a Pirate Day, Halloween, and their outdoor
      Invitation                                              pool party. Their uniqueness stood out, and I
                                                              was inspired to find out more.

                 Which would you prefer to receive?              Personalized promotion is something that
        Toastmasters meeting         Looking forward to       Maren Zieba does extremely well as the current
        this Saturday starting       seeing you at our        VPPR for PR Masters. She includes different
        at 8:00 a.m. PST (UTC   OR   Toastmasters meeting     members in her posts that promote a feeling of

        -8)                          this Saturday at 8:00    fun and energy while also trying to meet most
                                     a.m. PST (UTC -8)        Toastmaster brand standards. Gestures and facial
                                                              expressions are taken to a new level by actively
          Both simple statements have the meeting             asking members to submit their photos.

      information along with the day and time. They              Although she never knows what photos she
      both would include a Zoom link and be inclusive         will get, she makes them work, showing the
      to people in different time zones. But the first        laughter and joy of Club members in PR Masters.
      choice doesn’t have that warm, fuzzy feeling.           Maren’s posts have become identifiable to people

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