Page 33 - Voices-2022-02
P. 33

across the world. Partly because members
      actively show their love, by engaging with
      her posts and sharing them through their
      networks by liking and commenting on them.

      This increases the number of people who see
      the Club’s posts.
          Consider trying these tips for greater

      •  Use good photos—Consider having a file of
          member-approved photos to use for your                Feature your personal growth. Mention an
          advertising.                                       upcoming presentation, a guest speaker, or other
      •  Activities that look fun and engaging—Members       topics about leadership or meeting management.

          doing something fun, leaping, cheering,            Perhaps you have overcome some public
          laughing, gesturing, and smiling will make         speaking butterflies. Share relatable highlights
          the photos stand out.                              that will draw your audience to the meeting.
      •  Current Members—Seeing the people you might            Lastly, ask for emails and follow-up with

          meet is more authentic to the actual Club          guests who do attend. Find out how they found
          experience and provides some familiar faces        your meeting and what compelled them to check
          upon entering an unfamiliar space.                 it out. Not only will this personal follow-up and
                                                             second invitation encourage them to attend
                                Don’t Forget the “Why” and   again, it will also give you real-time feedback on
                 Message        Follow-Up                    how effective your advertising was for attracting
                                    The last part of your    guests.
                Fantastic Photo  post is a solid takeaway.      When you invite with warmth, engaging

                                This is the knowledge        photos, and a solid takeaway, new members
                                gained by members and        and guests will be excited to attend your next
                                guests when they attend      meeting. By showing your love publicly, you’ll
                                your meeting. Tell them      increase attendance to create successful and

                                why you attend. Why is       sustainable Toastmasters Clubs. Lastly, love is
      it worth their time and energy? What will they         expressed repeatedly. Create a plan to regularly
      learn that is useful both inside and outside of        share your love of Toastmasters through your
      Toastmasters?                                          networks to engage with more people.

                                                                                VOICES! | FEBRUARY 2022         33
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