Page 31 - Voices-2022-02
P. 31
any place on Earth (and even some in space). • Talk about your character trying to start a
When you write your speeches, you write new Toastmasters Club - on another planet.
what you know. So how do we honor this advice • Imagine a Toastmasters Club hosting an inter-
and attain authenticity, while exploring worlds, species panel to discuss relations between
places, and races we’ve never seen? Or those that Earth and another planet.
don’t exist? • Write about a Toastmaster solving the
Start with what you know and expand the problem of speaking in an environment
horizon beyond the facts. You don’t have to be where there is no atmosphere.
writing fiction to make use of this technique. • Describe two astronauts talking about
Maybe this approach will help you craft a Toastmasters - through the communications
winning Tall Tales speech or add speculation units on their space suits.
and exaggeration to your next Humorous Speech • Start your story with a typical Toastmasters
contest. meeting in progress. Continue when an alien
Good news! For most of us it’s easier to do being enters (walking, oozing, flying . . .) the
this than to just think about it. Here are some room.
prompts to get you started. I would love it if some • Last, but perhaps not least, create your
of you sent me what you wrote. If you’re willing own prompt including Toastmasters and
to do that, please email me at lupusgnome@ something fantastical (such as a meeting of Hobbits in the Shire, or?)
Now for the prompts to help you start with I look forward to hearing from you. Next
what you know and expand on that knowledge. month we’ll talk a little about serial fiction.
• Start (or end) your story with a Toastmaster
from another country giving a speech on the
International Space Station.