Page 9 - january 2022
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learned during the meeting—then give are two of a Club’s most valuable assets in
them time to respond. Always invite them member engagement. The VP Membership
to join. is essential in making sure that member
Here’s another thought for you. Since needs are met.
most of us are meeting on Zoom, consider If you are like 99% of the world, having
opening a breakout room and taking the someone take an interest in who you are
visitor there to answer questions and learn and what you hope to accomplish is a
about the Club’s culture. Leanna started cherished connection. Leanna and I really
doing that in her Clubs. Not only does appreciated what Suzanne Loeb, Division
she build rapport with the visitor, her G Director, recommended last year in a
conversion rate has increased. When she webinar. She suggested that new members
shared that nugget with our TLI audience, should be paired with a Toastmaster Buddy.
I was reminded what Zig Zigler, the Buddies help new members learn about
motivational speaker once said, “If people the Club’s culture and norms. It gives
like, you, they will listen to you, but if they trust them someone to turn to right away, so
you, they will buy from you . . .” they don’t feel alone in a sea of strangers.
So, grow your Club by sharing why The VP Education engages with
you joined Toastmasters and what you’ve members to meet their educational needs.
gained from it. It’s more than just setting up meeting
agendas for members and submitting
Member Engagement level completions— even though that is a
A quick web search on retention netted major part of the role. I remember when
the following: It costs five times as much to Brenda Parsons, member of Wallmasters
attract a new customer, than to keep an existing International, was VP Education. She
one. The first rule of any business is to retain reviewed goals with each member
customers and build a loyal relationship with and helped them chart their paths to
them, and thereby avoid customer acquisition Distinguished Toastmaster. She discovered
costs. that several had never submitted their
The same holds true for your completed projects over the years. She
Toastmasters Club. As mentioned earlier, worked with them and Toastmasters
member losses can be devastating. Even International, so they received credit for
if you are part of a robust Club who can their accomplishments.
absorb the loss and move on, the Club loses Here is another tip for you—make your
the contributions, energy, and diversity meetings fun. I know we’ve all been told
that departing members take with them. that at least a kajillion times but it is true.
The VP Membership and VP Education New Horizons has proven that maxim