Page 14 - january 2022
P. 14


      What’s Up in District 7

      Lorri Andersen, DTM - Program Quality Director

      Club Officer make up training is underway and          why people love Make Up Training.

      ends February 28th. Multiple training dates                Brent Smith (Dallas Toastmasters and
      are offered for each office. Each Trainer has          Toasting Excellence) presented the January
      completed Donna Stark’s Train the Trainer              Learning Lab “Open Houses.” It was well
      program which helps them create interesting,           attended and provided a great goal for the

      fun, and interactive trainings.  Please review         new year. It’s not just about holding an open
      the D7 calendar for available dates and times.         house. It’s about creating an experience for
      Look for a personal email from your Area and           your Club, members, and guests and allowing
      Division Directors with the list of club officers      that experience to become better as you and

      that need to be trained.                               your Club journey together. As the experience
            What is so great about Club Officer              improves so does your Club quality and the
      Training? There is always something new to             closer, we become to Toastmasters International
      learn. Did you know that TI has released new           Envisioned Future:

      modules designed for the online environment?              “To be the first choice provider of dynamic,
      People who have attended prior TLIs and Club           high-value, experiential communication and
      Officer Trainings tell me they always leave            leadership skills development.” That is what
      having learned something new.                          guests and new members should experience

          Could your Club use an item or two from            in your club.
      the Toastmasters International Store? District 7          February 2nd the Learning Lab “Successful
      can help. When all seven of your club’s officers       Club Series” is presented by the Timber Talkers
      are trained by February 28th, your Club will           Club. They will share how their Club continues

      earn $50 in gift certificates. Another benefit         to be successful and distinguished. Please
      is a trained Club is one step closer to being a        join us.  Click here to register for February’s
      Distinguished Club.                                    Learning Lab.
           One nice thing about being online is that             Plans for TL2.0 in June are under way.

      we can meet new people from all our Divisions          Are you interested in being a TLI speaker or
      and catch up with friends we haven’t seen in a         trainer? Watch for an application in February.
      while. We get the opportunity to meet people           It’s a great opportunity to stretch and try your
      from out of our District and Region. I love Zoom       hand at presenting to a group.

      for this opportunity.                                     As you can see, much is happening in District
           Have you heard this quote? “Have fun, Meet        7. Clubs are wrapping up their contests this
      people, Learn something.” (Cleon Cox III, DTM).        month. Area Contests are coming in February.
      It’s one of my favorites. It sums up the reason

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