Page 16 - january 2022
P. 16


                      orget Resolutions –

                                             Focus on Habits

                       PJ Kleffner, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

       I don’t think of myself as a superstitious person,  they require people to change behavior, which
       but I’m beginning to understand people  means breaking old habits and forming new ones.
       who think bad things happen in threes. Last  Getting out of bed early to hit the gym before

       Wednesday, I had to replace an electric baseboard  work is a pretty tough sell when the alternative
       heater because the old one overheated and  is an extra hour of sleep.
       nearly set the wall on fire. Saturday, I attended         I heard a speaker on Public Radio say the
       the funeral of a friend who died suddenly from  way to successfully change habits is to make the

       a heart attack. Yesterday, my microwave oven  desired behavior easier than the old behavior.
       quit, and the current supply chain issues are  An example he cited was getting school children
       complicating my search for a replacement that  to eat more fresh fruit. One study showed a
       will fit the existing hole in the wall. Now, I could  significant increase in consumption by simply

       be superstitious about all this, or just remember  putting a bowl of apples near the checkout line.
       that my house is forty years old, and my friend  Why do you think they put candy bars near
       was getting up there in years. However, it doesn’t  the cashiers at the grocery store? Impulse buys!
       help that he was a couple of years younger than I  Another study involved kids who took sack

       am. On the plus side, I have a more efficient new  lunches. If the parents included a whole apple,
       heater, heard some wonderful stories about my  a fair number of them came back uneaten.
       friend, and have a new microwave oven on order. However, if the apple was cored, sliced and put
          Maybe this is just nature’s way of reminding  into a Ziploc bag, it was eaten. Make it easy!

       me that things come and go, including years on            I stopped writing annual resolutions many
       the calendar.                                         years ago. Instead, I just try to live each day the
          January is traditionally when people write  best way I can. When I was still working, I always
       up a list of resolutions—gym memberships,  walked up the two flights of stairs to my office

       diets, exercise, financial goals—to name a few.  instead of taking the elevator. It was actually
       From my experience, most of these resolutions  faster, because the elevator was at the front of
       are distant memories by the end of the month.  the building and the stairs were right inside the
       I believe one reason resolutions fail is because  door where I entered from the parking lot. In

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