Page 8 - january 2022
P. 8


                                                                      would receive useful and actionable
                                                                       feedback provided by their peers.
                                                                        TSP was charted as a bi-weekly
                                                                        club. Because of Tess, they soon

                                                                       moved to weekly meetings to
                                                                         accommodate the additional
                                                                           Rodger Cook, DTM, long-time

      rehearsal. Practice excellence, and  member of Wallmasters Interantional,
      excellence will become your practice.                  is also the VP Membership for Shilling
         Okay, so you’ve cleaned up your Club  Speakers, an online club based in England.
      act and visitors are flocking to your  The Club just signed up three new

      performance. Let’s explore conversions.  members last week, bringing their roster
      How’s that going for you? Cleon Cox, one  to 39. I asked him to share how they are
      of District 7 Toastmasters avid supporters,  doing it.
      says it takes seven touches to convert a                   “Recruiting new members is an on-going

      visitor to a member. Rarely do visitors  process. We utilize many social media sites
      join during the first visit. When they  such as Next Door, Meet Up, Facebook, and
      do, likely they’ve compared your Club’s  Linked In. Many find us on the Toastmasters
      performance to the one down the road.                  International website and Easy Speak UK

         How does your VP Membership follow  Ireland. We are also very good networkers.
      up with guests? Do they follow up? Hmmm  Guests are greeted in a warm and welcoming
      . . . might be time to consider a best  fashion. Post meeting, we send personalized
      practice. I remember a workshop hosted by  emails to each guest thanking them for

      Tess Daniels, past member of Toastmasters  attending, with an invite to attend our next
      for Speaking Professionals (TSP) several  meeting. Meetings are conducted via Zoom,
      years ago. Tess was an amazing VP  with members and guests registering to attend.
      Membership. She really knew how to fill  By doing so, we gather valuable information

      the seats. At one time she asked how many  about our guests providing the opportunity to
      members the Club wanted—at what point  invite them to visit again.”
      should she dial back her membership                        Does your Club acknowledge visitors
      campaign. Her secret? She asked visitors  at the beginning of the meeting and give

      if she could call them. What did they talk  them an opportunity to provide feedback
      about? How membership would give them  at the end?
      a practice stage to sharpen their skills and               Rather than seek platitudes, consider
      hone their presentations. As a bonus they  asking them if they could use what they

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