Page 9 - Voices-2021-12
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and I started Aikido in the club he originally You may not realize this but YOU likely have had
founded. Dick Moser is in my heart always. He that kind of impact on someone at some point
was a true gift to me and Toastmasters and all in Toastmasters.
those he touched. I stayed with Moser’s until my schedule
The first Saturday morning I walked into changed making Saturday morning club
Toastmasters I was greeted by the most warm meetings no longer an option.
and friendly faces and a stunningly beautiful I found an evening club near my home in
woman named Polly. She was speaking that day. Vancouver, Washington. The culture was very
When she got up to speak, I was in awe. When different than what I was used to. I met Leanna
she finished her speech I was in tears. She spoke Lindquist there. If you know this woman then
directly to me. She said everything I had hidden you know I met a powerhouse leader who is warm
tightly away and had been terrified of anyone and supportive. She is to me what Dick Moser
discovering. She spoke of lessons I had yet to had been for me—a generous mentor and an
learn from deep wounds that she had found a influencer I wanted to emulate.
way to heal.
She changed my life. I understand you are a health coach. Why
I joined Toastmasters that day, and a fire was this career?
lit within me. For the next couple of years I was When I was in NYC, I was lucky to apprentice
on a mission. I interviewed hundreds of people and get hired by a top personal trainer to
for a book and program I wrote called Finding celebrities and executives. She took me under
Joy Beyond Trauma: Stories of Healing, Strategies her wing, and I built a nice side gig in health and
for Thriving. I spoke to thousands of people on fitness that I’ve enjoyed over the past 30 years.
hundreds of stages around the world and over I’ve always been passionate about energy,
100 podcast episodes. I had an important fitness, health, and peak performance.
message for the world regarding I love working with leaders,
sexual abuse and surviving innovators, and high achievers. There
trauma. Prior to Polly’s is something so rewarding about
speech, I didn’t believe inspiring and facilitating radical
“You are not alone” and positive transformation for clients to
“It’s not your fault” applied look, feel, and function their best—
to me. actualizing their fullest potential and
This was long before the positively impacting the world.
#metoo movement. It was After 30 years, I’ve become pretty
important work, not only for my own darn good at my job. Besides, I now
healing but for those who needed, and still need, have over 75 certifications and am in a Masters
to hear that message. program for Applied Movement Neurology. The
That is the profound legacy of Toastmasters. more I know, the more I can do. I’ve gotten the