Page 13 - Voices-2021-12
P. 13

their next job, and that can help them pivot to
                                                             responses that best display their talents and
                                                             interests. Toastmasters can help them gain

                                                                           these skills. What are we doing to
                                                                           get the word out?
                                                                                As we approach the holidays,
                                                                                 let us consider what gifts

                                                                                 we give each other. We
                                                                                 Toastmasters have many
                                                                                 special gifts we can give
                                                                                others: the gift of a listening

                                                                                 ear, the gift of a kind word
                                                                                 aptly spoken, the gift of an
                                                                                 invitation to a Toastmasters
                                                                                 meeting or open house. Let

                                                                                us consider what we can give
      projects I will be presented in my new job. The  others and be generous with our gifts.
      ability to pivot like that was ingrained into my           Merry Christmas, and happy holidays to
      head from the feedback and guidance I had  all of you!

      received on my many Table Topics speeches.
         During this holiday season, one of our
      cultural traditions is the giving and receiving               No one has ever
      of gifts. What greater gift can we Toastmasters

      give to our fellow Toastmasters than the gift             become poor by giving.
      of feedback that is true, that is helpful, and
      that is kind? What greater gift can we give to
      those who are not yet Toastmasters than the                                              -Anne Frank

      message that Toastmasters can help them find
      their voices? So many people need to acquire
      skills in communication and leadership that
      can help them ace the job interview and land

                                                                               VOICES! | DECEMBER 2021          13
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