Page 11 - Voices-2021-12
P. 11
You are the District 7 Public Relations start to finish with Toastmasters - GOOD
Manager. What is your vision for your role? PEOPLE! My kind of people!
Now that I’m PR Manager for District 7, I
am taking my time to understand the role and What does the future look like for you?
learn from other Districts in the region. I’ll be The future looks like showing up every day as
working on big picture strategy next. I really love the best version of myself in service to the world.
PR. I think it’s the key to club success. Voices! is That’s a constant evolution. As I grow, as I learn,
a brilliant use of PR for the District. Sharing it I do better. It always starts with my own house
and expanding the readership is something I though. I’m my own first best client—building
want to foster. better habits, practicing, persisting. I have to do
I’m excited to spearhead cohesive Public the daily focused work in my energy, my faith,
Relations for the District and work with VPPRs so my focus, my family, my service.
they feel supported and reach their communities
to make the most of the valuable offerings we If your fairy godmother granted you one
have in Toastmasters. wish, what would it be?
If my fairy godmother granted one wish—it
What inspired you to develop your Saturday would absolutely, 100% be more peace, truth,
morning interviews with Toastmasters? health, and harmony in the world and for
I was talking with Leanna a few weeks back humanity. It is my prayer every day.
and mentioned that I’d like to do a weekly
check-in. I said, maybe a Friday night Fireside For the next generation, what advice would
chat, which then became the Saturday morning you like to leave them with?
with Stephana. It will likely morph again as needs Never be too humble to have a mentor and
change. But for now, it works because that’s when ask for help. Toastmasters is brilliant that way. If
I can fit it in. I was lucky to get a couple of live you want a mentor, this is the place to find good
interviews with Alan Schwartz and Marv Serhan, people, good mentors.
both generous and wise gentlemen. These came
directly from the collaboration of the District 7
leadership. We are all volunteers. I know how
much people give—such good people—they are
like family. I adore them. These are the riches of
life, encouraging connections like these.
I can’t wait to share the others I want to
interview! These excite me so much! I just love
learning from these genuinely good people in
That’s what I find as a common thread from