Page 10 - Voices-2021-12
P. 10


       nickname of “the Body Whisperer” because I can  can be very draining. It’s so important to unplug

       pinpoint what’s happening and help the body.  and get back outside, to see people and the world
       I really love the body—what a beautiful and  in person and through God’s eyes. I’ve had to
       amazing vessel to express our Divine voice. Why  learn to manage my energy even more vigilantly.
       wouldn’t we want it in the best possible condition?       I focused on homeschooling my boys, serving

          So I am very passionate about keeping mine  my clients, and giving to my community as much
       as healthy as possible and helping others do the  as I could. But after a year of the pandemic and
       same. I opened a brick and mortar wellness studio  the mandates, I knew I would have to accept the
       a few years ago and was able to serve my local  inevitable. I decided to look at the gift of this

       community in a way that was very nourishing  virtual life. I started to seek out Toastmasters
       for me.                                               again as I wanted my boys to experience the
          I wrote a book called Model 4 Business:  program. I learned about Youth Leadership and
       An Entrepreneurs Guide To Clarity, Confidence,  discovered Clark County Toastmasters where I

       Credibility and Celebrity about the journey, lessons,  am now the Club President.
       and successful actions of opening and growing             I can’t wait to host my first—of what I hope
       that studio from 0 to 6 figures in 8 months and  to be many—Youth Leadership programs for
       helping hundreds of clients in the process.           the youth in our community. While I miss in-

                                                             person meetings, the Zoom format is working
                                                             well. With no travel time, I can attend our noon
                                                             meetings.  It offers many options to participate
                                                             in something like a Youth Leadership they may

                                                             not otherwise have. Although, I do plan to make
                                                             it hybrid so the youth can actually experience in-
                                                             person connection, which I believe is absolutely
                                                             vital for their well being.

                                                                 What I’ve learned in the last 2 years alone is
                                                             staggering. When we are experiencing our biggest
                                                             challenges, that’s when we can learn and grow
                                                             the most. I think that’s something that we all

                                                             can embrace. Challenges can make us stronger.
          The pandemic required a shift in my business  As Polly shared in the very first Toastmasters
       model that drastically impacted how I had been  speech I ever heard.
       helping people up to that point, like so many             Learning and growing are my strongest

       other business owners. Everything went online.  values. Taking challenges and having a constant

       I began to do everything through video. Luckily  willingness to look and improve as a result. It’s
       my acting background came in handy.                   my super power. But you know, it used to be my
          But it is not optimal. Being in front of a screen  kryptonite.

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