Page 23 - Voices-2021-10
P. 23

songwriter Harlan  frequency of any note on the piano keyboard.
                                     Howard described  While that might be useless information while

                                      country music  playing music, it does delight my uber nerd brain.
                                      as “three chords  In the guitar class, I realized that many songs
                                      and the truth.” I  sound so much better (and more like the original
                                     quickly discovered  artist’s performance) when finger-picked, instead

                                  the 1-4-5 relationship  of just strumming the chords. I also discovered
                                    between the three  that I would have sore fingers until I develop
                                     chords, meaning  long-lost calluses on my fingertips. I also learned
                                     whatever chord  that this is more than just an academic exercise

                                     you start with, you  where you learn a bunch of facts. I must practice
                                        count up the  if I want any of this to stick, which brings me
                                         scale to the 4th  back to Toastmasters.
                                         and 5th notes           We don’t learn communication and leadership

                                       to get the other  skills in a vacuum. We must interact with other
                                       two chords. For  human beings and practice these skills, or we
                                     example, if you  get rusty. Practicing our Toastmasters skills has
                              play something in the key  the same benefit as practicing music—it is more

                             of C, the other two chords  pleasant to listen to us as we get smoother and
                          are F and G. That allowed me  gain proficiency in both disciplines. One of my
                       to quickly transpose a song to a  stated goals when I retired several years ago was
                     different key where it was easier  to get back into music. I am pleased to say that is

                       for me to sing, even if I didn’t  finally happening. Now, I just need to find time
                         know the theory and why that  to do both Toastmasters and music.
                           My classes are now in the

              second week. It has been both fun and
      challenging to absorb all this new information.
      My ability to read music is still very limited, but
      I can tell at a glance what key a piece is in, simply

      by looking at the score. In a side conversation
      that wasn’t part of the course curriculum, I
      learned about the relationship between the
      different notes in a scale and how to calculate the

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2021         23
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