Page 18 - Voices-2021-10
P. 18


                  ecret Sauce of

      S Successful Clubs

        Jim Robison, DTM - Club Growth Director

      I have visited close to a hundred clubs in the          guests to make any final comments about the

      past few months, plus I’ve been reading the             meeting.  In addition, some clubs do a great job
      Club Visit reports submitted by our Area                of sending information to guests in advance,
      Directors. I have seen some commonalities               and following up with guests afterwards.  If
      among successful clubs.                                 a guest leaves feeling they would have been

          Clubs that seem to be most successful at            missed if they had not been at the meeting,
      bringing guests and members back to their               then the club did a good job of welcoming
      meetings, are ones where everyone feels                 them.
      welcomed and everyone takes part in the                     Fun:  While Toastmasters is meant to be

      meeting.  Three traits stand out with successful        a place to learn and practice new skills, it is
      clubs.  People feel that they participated in a         also, for many members, a break from the
      meaningful way, that they had some fun, and             standard work day.  It is a place to learn, a place
      that they learned something.  Let’s consider            to socialize with others, and a place to have

      these.                                                  some enjoyment during the day (whether in
          Participation:  If you show up to a group           the morning, noon or evening).  Many clubs
      meeting and are ignored, or just sit there              will refer to their weekly meeting as the best
      watching without participating in the meeting           hour (or more) of the week.  If guests have some

      at all, you do not feel that you are part of the        fun, they will likely return.  Many successful
      group.  You might not feel that you are welcome         clubs will have some fun with a meeting theme
      to be there.  You certainly feel that your              and with table topics.  Clubs that have a lot of
      absence would not be noticed.  A welcoming              good will among members will enjoy a friendly

      club often includes a round of introductions            and fun atmosphere of good natured ribbing
      for members and guests to get to know each              mixed with constructive feedback.  A fun club
      other, an invitation to guests to participate in        will encourage guests to join in and become a
      Table Topics, and an invitation at the end for          part of that fun.  A guest leaving with a smile

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