Page 20 - Voices-2021-10
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District 7 2021-22 Incentives

                       Program Quality                                  Club Growth Director
                           Incentives                                           Incentives

           Lorri Andersen:                 Jim Robison:

        Member Incentive                                    For clubs that started the year with fewer than
        •  Every Toastmasters Member that                   20 members (Base Membership below 20):
            completes the Pathways Mentor Program           •  The first 40 clubs who submit dues payments
            will win a Toastmasters Core Jacket (Item           necessary to be eligible for DCP status (20
            7078 or Item 7079).                                 members or net growth of 5) by Mar 15th, 2022
                                                                will receive one Speechcraft Digital Bundle
        Club Incentives                                         ($50 Value))
        •  Moments of Truth                                 For Clubs with a Base Membership below 20:
            The first 20 clubs to finish the Moments        •  Every club with a base membership below 20
            of Truth by October 31, 2021, will win a            will win a $15 gift certificate to the TI store for
            $50.00 Toastmasters International gift              each dues paid membership at the end of June
            certificate payable to the club.                    2022 above the club’s Base, up to 20 members.
        •  Seven Officers Trained                           Club Special Events:  All clubs who. . .
            Every club who has all 7 officers trained       •  Schedule a Special Event (open house,
            during the winter training period ending            workshop, etc.) to be held during the current
            on February 28, 2022, will win a $50                Toastmasters year and have it announced on
            Toastmasters International gift certificate         the District 7 Event Calendar at least 1 month
            payable to the club.                                in advance.
        •  Distinguished or better by April 1, 2022         •  District 7 will provide the club a $50 Boost of
            Clubs that become Distinguished or                  an online ad for the Special Event.
            better by April 1, 2022, will win a $50         •  Limited to 1 qualifying club special event per
            Toastmaster International gift certificate          calendar quarter.

            for their club.                                 New Member Surveys
        •  Distinguished or better by June 30, 2022         •  A New Member Survey will be sent to every
            Clubs that become Distinguished or better           new member.
            by June 30, 2022, (and did not qualify          •  Every member who completes the New Member
            on April 1) will win a $25 Toastmaster              Survey is entered into a monthly drawing for

            International gift certificate for their club.      a random prize (various promotional items
                                                                from TI).  The Survey asks new members a
                                                                little more in depth about what brought them
                                                                to Toastmasters, how they found the club, and

                                                                what they hope to accomplish.

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