Page 19 - Voices-2021-10
P. 19

on their face after enjoying a bit of laughter             There are elements to a Toastmasters
       will likely return.                                    meeting that we expect to see at any club:
           Learn:  The primary goal of Toastmasters           prepared speeches, table topics and evaluations.
       is to learn and improve communication                  There are other elements that many clubs

       and leadership skills.  Toastmasters is not            have in common, but you will often find some
       meant to be a class that you take, graduate,           differences in the atmosphere and specific
       and then six months later forget what                  agendas of each club.  While the agenda of a
       you learned.  Toastmasters is designed to              meeting is important, the underlying aspects

       encourage continual practice and continuous            of participation, fun and learning are the keys
       improvement.  Most members will find                   to a successful club.
       after a short time in Toastmasters that their              At each of your club meetings, consider
       confidence has improved, their presentation            these three questions:  Did everyone, including

       skills have improved, and that others notice           guests, participate?  Did everyone have some
       that change within them.  If a guest can leave         fun?  Did everyone learn something?
       a meeting saying “I learned something today”,
       they will see value in returning.

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2021         19
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