Page 32 - June-2021-Voices
P. 32
No Secrets Here!
Paul Fanning, DTM - Club Coach Coordinator
There is an old tale from somewhere in Europe a glass of water, a piece of bread and the use of
that emerged during the middle ages about a the chapel. The abbot clapped his hands, asked
traveler, a monastery, and a secret. As my British his monks to bring the requisite items and guide
cousin related it to me, a weary traveler espied him to the chapel.
the twinkling lights of a monastery on a hill one Within moments of entering the chapel,
dark night and decided to seek shelter and a hot loud noises were heard emanating from the
meal before continuing his journey the next day. doors followed by voices, trumpets and finally a
He trudged up the steep hill to the huge rumbling sound before falling silent. The doors
oaken doors with a brass angel as a knocker and opened, the traveler exited the chapel and went
begin to announce his presence three times and to his cell. The monks, although on a vow of
patiently awaited a response. Soon the doors silence made their fears and concerns know to
swung open, and two tonsured monks greeted the abbot who calmed them down and promised
him with only a smile and gestured him to come that he would ask the man the next morning
in and accompany them to the chambers of the what had transpired.
abbot prior. Without a word, they left him. He The abbot got up early, met the refreshed
was addressed by the abbot, and after the traveler traveler at the monastery doors and asked if he
explained that he wanted shelter and food, was could speak with him. He nodded his assent and
told that this monastery was one on a vow of listened intently to the abbot. Once the abbot
silence, but he was welcome. The pleasantries was through questioning him as to what he did
accomplished, he was once again led to a private with the glass of water, piece of bread and an
cell, given food and drink, and the monks left onion, the pilgrim replied to the spiritual leader,
him momentarily. The abbot appeared and asked “Abbot, can you keep a secret?” “Why of course
him if there was anything further he required. I can my son.” And he did!
The sojourner replied, yes, that he would like We in Toastmasters do not keep secrets. We