Page 29 - June-2021-Voices
P. 29
Eldred Brown, DTM Dr. Gwendolyn Avington, DL1 Cheri Redgrave, DTM Jim Wolak, DTM
Cheri Redgrave- Division A, Pathways member’s presentations to the goal of their
Proponent chosen Path. Use of the Pathways Progress
I am sorry that we needed a Pathways chart helps clubs track member achievement
Proponents Committee. No educational system in addition to being a part of the DCP program.
is perfect for everyone, but that does not mean Adding the position of VPP (VP Pathways)
that we should not embrace the positives. helped clubs focus on Pathways’ achievements
When I first saw the Pathways materials, I was as part of their overall Toastmasters learning
impressed that technology was included. There experience. The monthly Zoom meetings
were opportunities for podcasting and webinars. held by Dr. Gwen with all Division Proponents
The individual progress tracking was now online. were helpful. Her well-organized monthly
And, everything that made the old system work Zoom sessions brought all Division Proponents
was still part of the program. together to discuss and learn from each other.
The Competent Communicator speeches are Her dedication and enthusiasm fostered an
now a part of each Level 3. You can still earn atmosphere where we were able to learn from
your DTM. There are mentoring challenges to each other, adopt methods which produced an
be met. And clubs to be coached. understanding of Pathways, and communicate
Are there things about Pathways I would that information to each Club’s VPP.
change? Of course! Change is hard. Look
at Pathways as a challenge to be mastered. Tamsen Corbin- Division C, Pathways
Technology—and the world—change every day. Proponent
In order to keep current, to keep relevant, to keep In a year filled with chaos and changes, the
contributing, you need to be open to change. role of the Division C Pathways Proponent
Toastmasters is now Pathways. Embrace it. Hug allowed me the unique opportunity to visit and
it. Give it a kiss. speak with multiple clubs in which I normally
would not have been able to. This experience led
Jim Wolak- Division B, Pathways me from introducing the Pathways Education
Proponent program to a newly chartered Club to promoting
All Division B clubs are enrolled in Pathways, the Best Kept Secrets during Wednesday’s
with only one not actively participating. Initial Wonderful Webinars. Although there will always
confusion over the number of paths and projects be questions about Pathways, it was empowering
was resolved by explaining that the five Pathways this past year to share my knowledge while
levels are the same in each Path (including cheering on the clubs within Division C.
electives); the difference is in the focus of each
VOICES! | JUNE 2021 29