Page 30 - June-2021-Voices
P. 30
Beth Pinchot, DTMeth Pinchot, DTM
Tamsen Corbin, TC3 Phyllis Harmon, DTM Kathleen Tully, DTM B
Phyllis Harmon- Division D, Pathways it faced. At the end of the project work, the
Proponent adoption rate was only 1% different than the year
When I was first assigned as the Pathways before the committee was formed. And in this
Proponent member for Division D, I was environment, that was certainly a win.
uncertain what value I could add to the members
of the Division. I discovered members willing to Kathleen Tully- Division E, Pathways
listen to my Pathways pitch. And let me say . . . Proponent
I can be as enthusiastic a promoter as the next The Pathways Proponent role provided an
person! opportunity to support individual members,
Division D clubs are well established, with Clubs, Area, and Division leadership as a
a long history in the traditional program. dedicated resource for the Toastmasters year. We
There were members who appeared reluctant were able to brainstorm new and creative ways
to adopt a new-fangled method of doing what to engage members with Pathways, and both
they had always done—give speeches and provided training workshops and responded
receive evaluations. I discovered early on that to requests for navigation training. The best
Division D was not swayed by over enthusiasm moments were the “aha moments,” such as
or micromanagement. They were a group who the synergies that emerged when working
knew who they were and what they wanted to one-on-one with a Club officer or fellow member
achieve. I found it more effective to be available to guide them through the navigation process,
to help when asked. To be willing, as the visible and the member suddenly “gets it” and can
representative of the new program, to absorb navigate through Base Camp. Whether they
the slings and arrows thrown at Toastmasters are completing an assessment, picking a path,
International. Since we were in the middle of a scanning all the levels of a specific path to
pandemic, visiting the clubs in person was out see where they are headed, or to print out an
of the question. I was able to visit several clubs, acknowledgement certificate for recognition, it
check in occasionally with all the clubs, and keep is wonderful to see their confidence grow.
reminding them that I was there to help. Division Once trained, they are positioned to share
D, like every other Division, suffered attrition due that experience with another member. That
to the pandemic, the program change, and life member then becomes the resource, trainer,
in general. I am pleased to report that Division and guide for their fellow club members. The
D held its own despite the multiple challenges VPP initiative can have tremendous value for