Page 12 - February 2021 Voices
P. 12


      Read Between the Lines

      PJ Kleffner, DTM - District Director

      We have all heard the expression Read between           him look for it, I asked, “Where did you lose
      the lines. Have you thought about how it applies        it?” When I saw his quizzical look, I assumed he
      to us as Toastmasters? We strive to improve our         didn’t hear and repeated my question (points to

      communication skills, and reading between the           me for recognizing his body language). However,
      lines is a major part of doing that. Allow me to        he still looked confused, so I repeated the words
      elaborate a bit, and then give you three examples.      again, slowly, and thought about what I was
          At the most basic level, communication              asking: “Where did you lose it?” Suddenly it hit

      requires two things to happen: 1) a message is          me and I said, “Oh, if you knew where you lost
      transmitted, and 2) the message is received.            it, it wouldn’t be lost, right?” He gave me a big
      If no one is listening or no one hears you,             grin, and said “Yes.” I then followed up with a
      no communication has occurred. You are                  more productive question, “Where were you

      simply talking to yourself. However, for the            when you last had it?” The lesson I learned from
      communication to be effective, the person who           that exchange was to never assume that the other
      receives it must also understand the message. We        party has received and understood your message.
      learn to be active listeners in Toastmasters, which     Pay attention to body language. Ask questions

      means that we not only listen to the words, we          to confirm that they understood, or ask them to
      listen to understand the meaning of the message.        paraphrase back what they think you said.
      To do this, we must consider many other factors,           My second example comes from a co-worker
      such as context, body language, tone, and even          and involves a basic understanding of human

      who the speaker is. If your boss and a co-worker        relations and empathy, or lack thereof. It
      gave you a similar suggestion, I’m guessing you         was the 1970s and we worked in a very male-
      might give the suggestion more weight coming            dominated organization. One day as I walked
      from your boss than compared to a co-worker.            past our secretary’s desk, I noticed that she was

      All of these factors help us read between the lines.    muttering to herself and slamming her desk
          I have three examples of communications that        drawer. When I asked what was wrong, she told
      weren’t very effective—for different reasons. The       me about a conversation she just had with our
      first one is when we forget how literal children        co-worker, Ron. He was walking past her desk,

      are. One day I was leaving my parents’ house            and he suddenly stopped and asked, “Judie, have
      and saw my young nephew outside on the verge            you lost weight?” Beaming with pride, she said,
      of tears. When I asked if something was wrong,          ”Yes, thank you for noticing.” He said, “How
      he said he lost a quarter. Thinking I would help        much did you lose?” She replied “40 pounds”. At

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