Page 10 - February 2021 Voices
P. 10
• May your difficulties [misfortune, pain] For what if someone is doing the best that they
fade away. can?
• May you find peace [ease, strength].
• May your burdens be lifted. Let us ponder this quote:
Things which matter most must
As with all phrase-based practices, it’s not never be at the mercy of things which
the words you choose that matter, but rather matter least.
the feelings the words evoke. Experiment: Try
phrasings that sincerely move you or lead to a Is it more helpful to judge and divide, or to
subtle shift to the physical sensations of your use compassion in sustaining and maintaining
heart. that which has served us for millennia—positive
Practice takes practice. As a Toastmaster you human connection?
are familiar with this and you know too that As a Leader of self and others, what would
sometimes the act of practicing is easier than you decide?
at other times. I also invite you to also consider
being compassionate with yourself. Remember (Special Article Note: As it is in Toastmaster
Stephanie? A large part of her anxiety comes Mentorship Tradition, this article was not the sole
from the belief that she shouldn’t be anxious. work of myself. This article was reviewed by my
It is better to be gentle with ourselves in self- Toastmaster peers and edited to what you see above
compassion and acknowledge our experiences by the editorial work, feedback, and review of other
as we become aware of them. Perhaps simply Toastmaster members. We may seen as individuals,
acknowledging what happens when you try to but we stand by the might of many.)
be compassionate with self or others may be all
the training we can do at the moment. Those Liz is a member of Tell Me a Story Toastmasters,
of us who have had trauma in our lives may a storytelling club in Area 52 where she serves as
find the very attempt at self-compassion to be the Club’s VP Education. Professionally, she is the
activating and may feel a threat-response to the co-founder of Expressive-Connections, a small
‘fight, flight, or freeze’ brain. That’s normal. If business designed to support people in their efforts to
that is something that happens, we can remind create a friendlier world.
ourselves that “In this present moment I have Through Expressive-Connections, Liz trains,
choice. In this present moment I choose. . . “ facilitates, and coaches. Her professional credentials
This all brings me to a key take away: while we are: Life Coach, Compassionate Listening®
can never really know the experience of another, Facilitator, Certified Trainer in Adult & Youth Mental
especially when we may not have the complete Health First Aid®, and a NAMI Family-to-Family
context or story, our ability to build bridges of Teacher. Her focus is on strengthening empathy,
empathy and be compassionate are some of the communication, and connection in interpersonal
key foundations necessary to sustaining our relationships. You can learn more at:
human connections, and our human existence.