Page 41 - October 2020 Voices
P. 41


     Keep Going!

                                                             Correctional Facility was evacuated in September
                                                             —all prisoners were dispersed to other facilities.
                                                             Re-convening in the coming months may require

                                                             extra effort.

                                                             Hatch a plan—Our third panelist was Don
      Recognize we are                                       “Tiger” McAndie.  Tiger rejoined Toastmasters

      all Toastmasters—The next                              in 2019 and has 5 years of experience as a
      panelist was Ginger Killion, DTM, liaison for  Toastmaster. He recently received his DTM and
      Audacious Orators. Audacious Orators is the  is a member of 5 clubs.  Tiger’s club, formerly
      Toastmasters Club for Coffee Creek Correctional  Feather Tongues now Roseburg Speakers and

      Facility, a women’s prison in Wilsonville, Oregon.   Storytellers (RSS), celebrated its 15th Anniversary
      Club officers are all inmates. They earned Select  on Sept. 21, 2020. RSS was a 2020 President’s
      Distinguished Club status in 2020.  They earned  Distinguished Club meeting 9 Distinguished
      8 Distinguished Club goals and added 10 new  Club goals and adding 7 new members.

      members.  The Club has shown extraordinary                In January, 2020, RSS was down to 3
      adaptability in its response to upheaval in the  committed members. With help from a Club
      past year.  Because of the pandemic, in-person  Coach from El Salvador, another Club Coach
      contact with the outside world has been  from the UK, and former District 7 leader

      curtailed and meetings are limited to 2-3 people.   Michelle Alba-Lim, RSS hatched a plan—they
      Audacious Orators met educational goals during  changed their name, location, and meeting
      the pandemic by giving speeches to small groups,  time! When COVID hit they too took a break to
      including groups for people getting a high school  re-group. Soon the club got back together and

      diploma.                                               chose to make the most of what the technology
           Inmates come from all walks of life and  made available. With the excitement of global
      bring a range of talents, just like in the general  virtual tourism made possible through COVID,
      population. As Ginger says, “When they walk  they gathered club members from around the

      through our door, they’re a Toastmaster.”  In  world. They even had an informal contest to
      the last year, two Audacious Orators members  see who could visit the most clubs on Zoom.
      achieved their Distinguished Toastmaster Award.  (Michelle won hands down at around 40 clubs
         Due to wildfire danger, Coffee Creek  and Tiger came in a distant second at around 25.)

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         41
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