Page 36 - October 2020 Voices
P. 36


       Federico Navarrete
       Club Coaching:

       My Wild Adventure

       Michelle Alba Lim, DTM

                                                             was awarded as the second-best one in the entire
                                                             District. Also, I organized a conference for half-
                                                             Poland in collaboration with my dream team
                                                             that we even brought international speakers

                                                             from Sweden and Portugal.
                                                                 However, not all stories have been successful.
                                                             As a foreigner living abroad, I have felt several
                                                             times as a kind of a second-class member, even

                                                             when I attended some international conferences
                                                             with my Club/District.
                                                                 Furthermore, I had little support to complete
                                                             my DTM because I started a plan to relocate to a

                                                             new country. However, that decision motivated
                                                             me to contact Julie Kertesz, who redirected me
                                                             to Michelle Alba-Lim, who helped me start a
       Federico Navarrete                                    new adventure with Roseburg Speakers and

                                                             Storytellers. A decision that I would never regret
       Federico, tell us about your Toastmasters             since it allowed me to see a new light in the

       experience.                                           Toastmasters world.
           I joined Toastmasters 5 years ago in Poland.
       Toastmasters became like my second home  Why do you like being a club coach?

       since it was the only place where I felt accepted         Being a coach was quite a wild adventure! I
       by a community as a foreigner.                        enjoyed the experience of experimenting one
           I have been a very active member and              more time and innovating in a new team on the

       relatively known across District 108 because          other side of the globe.
       of my crazy speeches because I wore tails or              The opportunity allowed me to design new
       brought bananas inside my suits. In District          marketing plans and create a new identity for
       108, I served as an Area Director, and my area        our globe all over the globe. However, nothing

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