Page 40 - October 2020 Voices
P. 40


       Panel Discussion
       SURVIVAL SECRETS OF 2019-20

       Andrea Matthews, EH2

      During the last Toastmasters year, the world saw  of the American Automobile Association–
      major upheavals. The upheavals kept on coming.   Oregon Idaho, normally located in downtown
      It was tempting to hide under the covers. But  Portland and now 100% online. Last year, Carmil

      somehow, in spite of it all, 46 clubs managed to  was President of AAA Towsters.  During her
      have stable membership or even grow during  presidency, they achieved 5 Distinguished Club
      that time.                                             goals and added 8 members.  According to
         These clubs managed not only to survive  Carmil, AAA Towsters took about a month off at

      upheaval, they thrived! What was their secret?         the beginning of the pandemic to re-group and
         Portlandia Club wanted to know.  Last year,  learn to conduct online meetings.  Without this
      Portlandia Club’s membership hung on.  We  break, they may have lost members overwhelmed
      survived a move from our temporary location  by the upheaval of transition to working from

      in the World Trade Center back to our home  home.
      in the Portland Building.  After two meetings             Though AAA Towsters lost members who
      back home, the pandemic hit.  We took a short  were not comfortable in the online environment,
      break, and then made the transition to a fully  they gained participation from around the state,

      online meeting.  Each Zoom meeting was more  including members from the Lake Oswego
      upbeat and fun than the last.  By June, we had  and Salem offices. These members would not
      achieved 5 Distinguished Club goals, but did not  have been able to make the commute to meet
      meet the membership requirements to receive  in-person in downtown Portland—online was a

      the Distinguished Club award.                          plus for them.
         We invited leaders from thriving clubs to              Like many Americans, AAA Towsters
      participate in a panel discussion so we could find  members faced the extra upheaval of layoffs
      out their keys to success. Our Zoom meeting  during the pandemic.  Some members had no

      took place on September 17, 2020, during the  work and some members had extra work. As
      upheaval of hazardous air quality due to wildfire  an organization, AAA prides itself on being
      smoke.  Here’s what we learned:                        coachable and adaptable, and AAA Towsters
                                                             reflects that spirit.  In the coming year, the club

      Take a break—The first panelist was Carmil  plans to leverage their company newsletter
      Ritchie, DTM.  Carmil has been a Toastmaster  to attract new members from across the AAA
      since 2003.  Carmil was representing AAA  Oregon Idaho region.
      Towsters, the Corporate Toastmasters Club

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