Page 38 - October 2020 Voices
P. 38


      persuade the entire town with Toastmasters,               Monitor. Even though I said that you need

      nothing would have changed, but our approach  to visualize the club’s future, you still need to
      of using the best of us gave us the results and  control if all is going great, maybe you have 25+
      reputation we have been building.                      members, but you miss an L2 and you need to
                                                             identify who can perform that speech.
      What advice would you offer to new or                     Be ambitious. No one could dream that
      prospective coaches?                                   our Club would ever revive. I just remember

         Understand the current situation. Before  the words from my math IV teacher: “Guys,
      giving solutions, you need to identify the  always target the 10, never a lower score. Let’s

      business cases and the root cause. You need to go  suppose that you need an 8 to pass my class, but
      deeper and understand everything, understand  you were lazy and targeted the 8, sure, you can
      previous initiatives and everything related. This  get an 8 or a 5 and if you get the 5, you need to
      is where active listening is crucial.                  take my class again and you don’t want to see

         Focus on long-term goals. An easy mistake  me again, do you?”
      when you become a coach is “as soon as I get              And it’s similar here, Michelle was our
      my credit my work is done.” You need to think  inspiration, the one who saw that we could make
      like Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos—they focus  it happen and the opportunity that she gave me

      on the long-term wins and not the short-term  to be the club coach is something invaluable. It
      wins. Don’t focus on getting 20+ members and  might have seemed like an impossible mission,
      5+ DCP goals at the end of the Toastmasters  but she was the true visionary of this dream.
      year, visualize how your plan is going to work            Have fun. If you don’t have fun with what

      in the future, the club could enter into a new  you’re doing, you will burn out as in any work.
      crisis in a blink  of an eye.                          Don’t allow it to happen, become part of the
         Micro-manage until you trust. This was  Club, and make all the success a real story.
      not my work, but it was Kim’s work, the other  Something that you will enjoy sharing later.

      coach. We were like the good cop and the bad
      cop. Since she focused on monitoring everyone
      and securing the payments from potential
      guests. This is something important like in any

         Collaborate. A typical myth is that I’m an
      experienced person, I know all the answers.
      Not all clubs are alike, not all places are alike,

      and what could have worked in a certain place,
      might not work in another. You need to think
      together as a team and work for the greater
      good of the Club.

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