Page 14 - May 2020
P. 14


       And the Winner Is . . .

       PJ Kleffner, DTM - Program Quality Director

      Did you hear what sounded like a sonic  make Saturday look like just another routine
      boom last Saturday, May 16? It was actually a  day in the life of District 7 Toastmasters.
      huge sigh of relief from your PQD when the                 The day began with the D7 Evaluation

      District speech contests were finished. I am  Contest. The eight Division champions gave
      so thankful that we didn’t have any technical  their feedback to Model Speaker, Arlene
      glitches with Zoom, and a nice clean video file  Cogen from Toastmasters for Speaking
      of our winner has been sent to Toastmasters  Professionals. We took a break for lunch, and

      International for the Region quarterfinals.            then launched into the International Speech
          Speaking of winners, the results of the  Contest.
      District 7 2020 contests are displayed on the              The competition continued to be fierce,
      opposite page.                                         and each Division Champion gave the judges

          I also want to give a huge shout out to  and audience their best performances. In the
      all the people working behind the scenes to  end, the winners were chosen by the secret
      make both contests successful. Past District  panel of judges.
      Governor Alexis Mason was our Toastmaster                  Congratulations to everyone for a job well

      for the Evaluation Contest while last year’s  done!
      Division Director of the Year,  Jenny Thomas,
      ran the International Speech Contest. Past
      District Director Michelle Alba-Lim was our

      Chief Judge for both contests.
          In addition to all these “visible” faces,                                         Model Speaker
      there were judges, timers, ballot counters,                                           Arlene Cogen
      and sergeant-at-arms who all flawlessly                                               Toastmasters

      executed their duties. Of course, there were                                          for Speaking
      a couple of other roles we haven’t had in                                             Professionals
      previous contests, the Zoom Master and the
      Chat Master, who helped maintain some

      semblance of order in the cyberspace universe
      of our contests. In case it wasn’t obvious to the
      casual observer, we all spent many hours in
      pre-contest briefings and practice sessions to

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