Page 16 - May 2020
P. 16


      Toastmasters and Unemployment

      Eldred Brown, DTM - Club Growth Director

      Are you one of the millions of people in this              Hearing Cleon
      country who lost their jobs to the COVID-19  tell the story, you
      outbreak? Are you living on an unemployment  may think it took me a

      income and wondering how you can afford to  few years of his prodding
      continue your Toastmasters membership? Are  for me to finally try a club
      you considering membership in Toastmasters  and join. It actually took me
      but don’t know if you can squeeze it into your  only two months. I tried three

      tight budget? I’ve been there! I know what you’re  different Monday night clubs,               WRIP City
      going through! I joined Toastmasters after I lost  Toastmasters, Portland Toastmasters (Club 31),
      my job in the last economic crash of 2008. Let  and the At the River’s Edge Club. Because two of
      me share the story of how.                             these clubs ran their spring speech contests the

          In February of 2009, my boss pulled me  nights I visited, I visited them twice so I could
      aside at the start of work one morning to inform  get a feel for a normal meeting. I finally settled
      me that our business was struggling because of  on the At the River’s Edge Club. The rest, as they
      the economic downturn and that he needed to  say, is history.

      downsize his team by letting me go. I suddenly             What did I find in Toastmasters that job
      found myself unemployed. Knowing that I  seekers like you will find valuable?
      needed help and support and that networking is             •  I found that Toastmasters really is an
      THE best way to find new employment, I looked                 excellent place to acquire successful

      for job seeker groups in Portland and found the               job interviewing skills. I gained the
      Job Finders Support Group led by Cleon Cox.                   confidence to look my interviewer in the
      (Does this sound familiar? I know quite a few                 eyes and answer questions succinctly and
      people in our District who joined Toastmasters                completely. I learned the value of listening,

      through this Friday afternoon group and Cleon’s               even if it means asking my interviewer to
      prodding.) Cleon suggested I join Toastmasters.               repeat a question to make sure I heard it
      Cleon shared that Toastmasters could help me                  correctly. I acquired the ability to let my
      polish my speaking skills for the job interview.              personality shine so I don’t come across

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