Page 11 - May 2020
P. 11
was devastated not knowing how I was going What are your personal plans and goals
to recreate them or even if I could. Finally over for Division G for next year?
several months, I did recreate some of them We are in the process of building a full
and by April of that year put enough together to operating Division Council which will identify,
receive a Triple Crown but I had lost some that plan, and implement member program training,
I could not recreate. I decided what was lost was leader training, as well as individual marketing
lost and decided to move on. The important thing training. Toastmasters has always focused
was that I had made my goal of four consecutive on word of mouth marketing which requires
years as a Triple Crown recipient. training members on concepts and techniques
of attracting guests to clubs.
As Division G Director, what is your
vision for the Division this year? What would you share with those who
Increasing the training of members and are interested in taking on a leadership
officers has been a focus for this year. We role?
produced two substantial training events which Training for leadership progression is
were designed to increase member awareness of essential to a learning organization. Take every
the educational program as well as leadership opportunity to participate in a quality training
development. program. Develop your personal training
program. There are thousands of books on
Please tell us how the clubs leadership, search them out and read. Develop
in Division G are weathering conversations with other leaders and discuss
the imposed social distancing ideas and concepts and above all “Take Action.”
Ten of the nineteen clubs in
Division G are currently meeting I have come to believe
online. The others are slowly moving every person has leadership
toward changing the decision to
suspend meetings. I see this time as capability no matter who they
an opportunity to gain exposure to
new ways of coming together. A time are, where they come from,
to learn new protocols and develop
new skills. All in all the sphere of or what they believe about
communication is expanding which
moves Toastmasters into expanding themselves.
the educational program into new
platforms that have potential to increase
2012 Advanced Communicator Silver Award membership in new disciplines.
VOICES! | MAY 2020 11