Page 9 - May 2020
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unbelievable rate. Those of you who know me capability no matter who they are, where
can surely attest to the fact that I will never turn they come from, or what they believe about
away from an opportunity to stand up and speak themselves. The difference is whether they can
to an audience. Darren LaCroix has a message see their potential and believe they can elevate
of great importance to everyone who desires to that level. If a person cannot see their ability,
to increase their skills. That message is simply how can I help them see? If a person does not
“Get up and talk.” believe they can, how can I show them they have
What do you do outside of Toastmasters the substance?
-hobbies, interests, etc.
Over the years I have had many hobbies and How does Toastmasters enhance your
interests. When I was young it was cars. I have volunteer and work lives?
had some exceptional cars years ago. One of the Volunteering has been most rewarding in
most memorable was the 1959 Chrysler 300E many ways. Being a military veteran has opened
convertible. A few years ago I was on the internet the door to helping others who have served
and found that there were only 150 of those cars our country in uniform. There is a huge need
built, and I had one! Little did I know when I for veterans to help other veterans navigate
was 17 years old that car would be worth close the process of reintegration into society after
to $200,000 today. experiencing a combat environment in any
My interest today form. It took me many years before I even
has turned to people. recognized the need to deal with the remnants
I enjoy helping people of my combat experience. The veterans who
develop their abilities helped me through the reintegration gauntlet
to communicate at will always hold a special place in my heart and
higher levels. These surely I in theirs as well. Volunteering is about
past five years in helping humanity without any expectation or
Toastmasters I’ve desire for any type of compensation, although
become interested in our personal growth is surely compensated in
what makes people ways we may never know.
want to increase their
ability to connect You’ve been in District 7 Toastmasters
with other people. since 2011. What are some of the
This experience highlights of your career so far?
has caused me to Toastmasters has been my passion for some
explore leadership time. I couldn’t begin to count the hours spent
in a new way. I have going to meetings and events. The miles driven
come to believe every to meet with members in hopes of offering some
person has leadership word that may make a difference. Toastmasters
VOICES! | MAY 2020 9