Page 28 - December 2019
P. 28


          Swift burst out of the empty dumpster, wailed  cats (the members of my home club can attest

      a few times and sprinted to the house...actually  to that).
      the backyard since that is where I feed them.              After rescuing Swift, and getting a gold star for
      I met my frantic kitten a few minutes later - I  the day on the (feline) naught/nice list, I had no
      had to take the long way around - while she was  trouble at all going to get tortured by my dentist...

      frantically dashing between the food bowl, the  who, coincidentally, is a dog owner (figures!).
      water dish, the other cats, and my outstretched
      hand. After 3 days trapped in a dumpster, she
      was thinner than ever. But she was Swift - in

      movement and attitude. The other cats weren’t
      all that impressed she was back (but cats are
      never impressed with anything). I,
      however, was ecstatic.

          As I sat by, watching and waiting
      for the Swift kitten to slow down
      enough to be held, I decided that I
      used to be a cat. In a former life I was

      most definitely a cat...and I would
      still be one had the Council of Cats
      not demanded that I be incarnated
      as a lowly human whose task would

      be to care for my cat overlords. It is
      true; I am a cat servant...and I love it!
          What does this all have to do
      with Toastmasters, you ask? Well,

      everything! Toastmasters helped
      me perfect my persuasive speaking
      skills so I could rescue trapped cats.
      Toastmasters helped me learn about

      leadership so that I could be a better
      servant to my cats. Toastmasters has
      kept me on the straight and narrow
      (ok...maybe not straight) and out

      of trouble so I can be around for
      my cats. And Toastmasters gives
      me a soapbox from which to wax
      eloquent about the superiority of

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