Page 27 - December 2019
P. 27

I heard it again.                                                              The man looked me

      A clear, sharp,                                                                 up and down—outdoor
      and distant                                                                    slippers, PJ bottoms, long
      cat yowl. I                                                                    black trench coat, fuzzy
      slipped                                                                        hat, flashlight, and a wild-

      back inside,                                                                   eyed expression.
      threw a coat over                                                                  “Yeah sure, go
      my PJs, grabbed                                                                ahead man. No
      a flashlight, and                                                              problem…”

             started the

                                                                                         He dashed for the door
                                                                                     of the warehouse - in the
                                                                                     opposite direction.

          Fifteen minutes later, and after searching            Swift shrieked again...louder.
      three businesses, I heard the cat hollering to be         “Hold on there, I’m coming!”
      let out of a dumpster on top of a flatbed truck.          The top of the dumpster was completely open
      After rounding the fence and storming across  and the sides were 5 feet high, but the door was

      the parking lot, I shocked a man getting out of  shut. I fought with the strap that secured the
      his pickup truck with my sudden appearance.            door - I’d forgotten my glasses and could not see
          “Hey there!”                                       the release mechanism. Finally I yanked in the
          “Holy s#%t! Where did you come from?”              right spot. The cat shriek reached a crescendo

          “Next door. One of the cats I feed sounds  right before I opened the door, and I began to
      like it is trapped in that dumpster. May I go over  wonder what cat it was. Swift has such a quiet
      there and let it out?” Swift must have heard my  meow - so delicate and high pitched. This berserk
      voice - she was shouting nonstop.                      animal was wailing!

                                                                                VOICES! | DECEMBER 2019      27
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