Page 26 - December 2019
P. 26


       My Good Deed

       James Wantz, DTM

       I rescued a 6-month-old kitten last week. I           coal though - hopes and dreams just don’t heat

      don’t say this to blow my own horn. Nope, I am         worth a damn!)
      saying this because the end of the year is fast            Enough of that! Back to the kitten. Yep, sweet
      approaching. I want to end with as much goodwill       adorable Swift went missing (yep, that’s her
      and positive energy as I can muster (January is        name...I prefer cat names that are emblematic of

      such a downer!).                                       the cat in question: Dash, Sprint, Scritch, Silent,
          I can’t be certain if the naughty/nice list is a   Squeak, Chewy, etc. - all names for the strays in
      myth (like Santa...oops, trigger warning). Better      my backyard over the years). I hadn’t seen Swift
      to be safe than holding a stocking of coal on the      for 3 days, and I was beginning to get that sinking

      25th, I figure. However, I didn’t always think this    feeling when one of the strays disappears. I never
      way. While young, my family heated the house           know exactly where they go...but many of them
      with a wood stove. When Christmas came, my             do go (to wonderful accommodations at the Cat
      mom confronted me about my bad behavior                Hilton, no doubt). The strays that are fractious

      over the past year.                                    or downright nasty I don’t mind them going
          “But Mom, I’m trying to get as much coal as        AWOL, but I get depressed when my favorites
      we can.”                                               - those that purr when I hold them - disappear
          “You’re what?”                                     without leaving a note.

          “Santa gives coal to bad kids...that’s what you        I was up early that morning (because I was
      always said. And coal burns hotter & longer than       dreading a visit to the dentist) when I decided to
      wood.” I smiled my best smile.                         check a few of the spots Swift frequented over
          “You are too clever by half,” she muttered.        the months: under the office trailer, behind the

      “That’s not how it works...there’s a coal shortage     fence, under the porch. No cat to be found. As
      this year. Santa is giving out more chores instead.”   I stood on the front porch of the house I rent
          Those who know me read this little interaction     (in the middle of an industrial zone) I thought
      like an oracle fortelling my future ( prison).    I could hear a distant yeowl. I waited for the

      But you would be wrong!! There were no coal            cement trucks, traffic, and trains to quiet (in the
      stoves in the prison I was in; there were giant        back of the house is a cement company, in front
      boilers that burned on the hopes and dreams            is a roofing company, and across the street is a
      of the incarcerated. (They need to switch to           train track - lots of noise!)

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